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Off out to the farm this weekend....

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    Off out to the farm this weekend....

    Not the funny farm but my wifes sisters and partners, he drinks like a fish, she doesnt...Cant get away with going as my daughter wants to go horse riding and we promised last week before I accepted the obvious.......Im not sure I can sit there with him , work my arse off during the day doing renovations etc and not deserve that well earned beer afterwards listening to music sitting on the verandah!!!! Im scared a wee bit of just accepting the fact that I will have one or two??? Which may lead to more. Oh what to do. Ive felt excellent today and the only time I get the cravings really is at night time.......Too far to come home as weve got a 5th birthday party the next day nearby as well..............Had a bit of anxiety about the weekend earlier, started cleaning as my golf came got cancelled and have cranked the music and got rid of it.........nuts

    Off out to the farm this weekend....

    Hi overit,
    When you go to the farm, maybe just try and avoid the man as much as possible, distract yourself and find other things to do that take you away from him drinking.. concentrate on spending time with your daughter, exhaust yourself during the day so you go to bed early at night, go to bed and read a book and have a cup of tea in bed, away from the partner drinking.. just some suggestions.. try and remember why you are doing this - AL does nothing for you! you will wake up in the morning feeling bright and ready to do lots of fun activities with your daughter..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Off out to the farm this weekend....

      overit, a big hurdle for many is changing the mindset that alcohol is a reward. Something we deserve and that by abstaining, we are denying ourselves our just reward. Missing out, etc. I wish I had some fantastic words of advice beyond that which you could use to arm yourself..... maybe read the toolbox thread. Make sure you have kudzu and l-glute with you and in good constant levels in your system. Make sure you are very well hydrated, especially working. And reward yourself with something else you really like. Good luck to you!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Off out to the farm this weekend....

        will try and do all the above! But its not a place you can dissapear at unless you go bush walking and its getting dark here at 19:00......Excuses excuses, I'll do my upmost best and report back to ya'll on Sunday night.



          Off out to the farm this weekend....

          Over it, I completely understand the anxiety. I've had it too in social situations - how do I not drink? I think you can do it, don't overthink it and just think how great you will feel the next day. Why not avoid the usual sit down and drinking and mix things up so it is not the same as before? I find that if I mix things up it helps me not fall into the AL trap...


            Off out to the farm this weekend....

            thanks farm girl! going to give it a go. Just so Isolated out there. Probably a good thing!


              Off out to the farm this weekend....

              over it, everyone has given you such great advice already. Maybe if you write down some of the biggest triggers you might come up against and for each one have a counter action plan (and keep in a pocket ect.) it might just get you through this weekend. Wishing you all the best,
              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                Off out to the farm this weekend....

                This would have been really difficult for me early in my sobriety. My first thought is some AF beer. You'll get the taste not the buzz.
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

