I am definitely a problem drinker and I don't know if I'm an "alcoholic," whatever that means. I have suffered many a raging hangover, but I have no health problems due to alcohol. Never been in trouble legally or anything. I am active in AA, or was one week ago anyway. I've tried really, really hard over a period of a few years, and met some lovely people, but it's just always made me crazy (Buddhist brain that I am). My impatience with religiousity really works against me in AA. I gave up my sponsor of the last couple years. She's a lovely lady and was my best friend, but I am very tired of being emotionally dissected via the steps.

I've been abstinent for significant periods of time - 4 months, 5 months, 7 months, but never comfortably abstinent and always battling cravings - I'd go crazy on caffiene when I quit drinking (latte no less, I'm getting a bit plump). I kept thinking that there MUST be a better way - and then I found this place!
I ordered the supplements and the book & CDs. I love meditation (HUGE fan of Pema Chodron) so I bet the hypnotherapy will be a lovely thing to have in my life.
I ended a three decade-long marriage a little over a year ago, and our divorce was final this past May. My ex and I are friends and golf buddies. My mom, whom I loved to the depths of my soul, died in April and it has just been a very hard, very sad year. Three days after mom's death, I was blundering around in grief and my sponsor told me that it was self-pity! :upset: AA makes me crazy.
I am 46, a full time college student majoring in English, but my favorite class is physics (wierd huh?), and I work part time for a non profit. I don't know if I will go for full abstention or try to moderate. I need to read the book more thoroughly. I recently started going to a psychologist too and will make an appointment with my nurse practitioner first thing in the morning to get the meds.
I am so happy to have found this place.