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So Happy to have Found My Way

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    So Happy to have Found My Way

    Hi, I'm Tracy and just found this site. I thought I had found recovery site in existence and nothing was a good fit - then I skimmed through the pdf version of the book. Then I saw the message board, busy and thriving!

    I am definitely a problem drinker and I don't know if I'm an "alcoholic," whatever that means. I have suffered many a raging hangover, but I have no health problems due to alcohol. Never been in trouble legally or anything. I am active in AA, or was one week ago anyway. I've tried really, really hard over a period of a few years, and met some lovely people, but it's just always made me crazy (Buddhist brain that I am). My impatience with religiousity really works against me in AA. I gave up my sponsor of the last couple years. She's a lovely lady and was my best friend, but I am very tired of being emotionally dissected via the steps. Her feelings are hurt and I feel lost, but I can't do that relationship anymore.

    I've been abstinent for significant periods of time - 4 months, 5 months, 7 months, but never comfortably abstinent and always battling cravings - I'd go crazy on caffiene when I quit drinking (latte no less, I'm getting a bit plump). I kept thinking that there MUST be a better way - and then I found this place!

    I ordered the supplements and the book & CDs. I love meditation (HUGE fan of Pema Chodron) so I bet the hypnotherapy will be a lovely thing to have in my life.

    I ended a three decade-long marriage a little over a year ago, and our divorce was final this past May. My ex and I are friends and golf buddies. My mom, whom I loved to the depths of my soul, died in April and it has just been a very hard, very sad year. Three days after mom's death, I was blundering around in grief and my sponsor told me that it was self-pity! :upset: AA makes me crazy.

    I am 46, a full time college student majoring in English, but my favorite class is physics (wierd huh?), and I work part time for a non profit. I don't know if I will go for full abstention or try to moderate. I need to read the book more thoroughly. I recently started going to a psychologist too and will make an appointment with my nurse practitioner first thing in the morning to get the meds.

    I am so happy to have found this place.

    * * *



    So Happy to have Found My Way

    Hi Tracy

    Welcome. This is a good place to be. Looking forward to getting to know you better.



      So Happy to have Found My Way

      hi Tracy, you seem like a very cereberal and inward seeing person...should come in handy in this journey. I'm only one week into "feeling and doing better" myself and you are ahead of me with the meds, hypno etc. say, what is that meditation you spoke of that you are a fan of?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        So Happy to have Found My Way

        Hey Tracy,

        Really sorry to hear about the year you have had. But you've shown great strength to get through it.

        I can't believe your sponsor was so insensitive!! Thats terrible. I've been advised by my doctor to go to AA but it seems that quite a few people on this site have had problems with I have heard there's quite a religious / culty type element to it. Hope your having a good day today.

        This is my first day of abstinence. I'm a bit scared. Determinator, are you abstaining at the moment? Thats really impressive. I'd be so happy with myself if I could manage to stay dry all this week. Heres hoping.


          So Happy to have Found My Way

          Hi Tracy

          We've met elsewhere on the site, but I'm happy to have read your post here. I absolutely hate it when people can't distinguish between normal grief and sadness and having a "pity party"! I'm so glad that you found MWO!! Thanks for sharing about yourself. It will be good to get to know you better. I think you will do well here!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            So Happy to have Found My Way

            Francis, one glass of wine on tuesday night is all I've had since monday 9th. I wasn't going to have it until the 10th or after, but was invited to a fancy steak restaurant and red meat is my weak time for red wine....groan. I just have a heck of a time eating a nice steak (or Italian food) without craving wine more than I already do. but I did stop at one! now to keep a moderate pace for the rest of my life that's the trick! I've managed for a week or two but that's about as good as I've been. never been the AA route...too institutionalised for a rebel like me I'm really hoping the kudzu and the forum of friends here can do it for me. and you all of course!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

