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Out of contact for a couple of days

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    Out of contact for a couple of days

    good luck everyone and will be back with an update Sunday Eve!!!!

    Thinking of you all


    Out of contact for a couple of days

    Hi Overit..
    No worries.. have a great weekend! look forward to hearing from you on sunday,
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Out of contact for a couple of days

      Have a good weekend Overit!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Out of contact for a couple of days

        overit, can't wait for the update...
        Have a safe weekend.
        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


          Out of contact for a couple of days

          well im back, in one piece and

          pretty happy with myself. I remained sober but did have 4 beers last nights instead of a bottle and a half of wine and 8 beers. Instead of me I was watching my brother in law make a tit out of himself and I went to bed leaving him crashed out on the sofa. Woke up at 7 this morning, my wife , daughter and I went out collectiong wood (at the farm) and then did nice family things (without me being a grumpy hungover arsehole!). Went to my daughters friends 5th bday party this arvo and you know anyone likes an excuse to drink at a kids bday party with free piss , I didnt and actually enjoyed myself which I always thought impossible without a pick me up or 6!!!! So not 100% perfect but im getting there!!!! Back at home safe sound and sober ;-)

          Hope you all had good weekends and catch up with you all on the rollercoaster soon, weird am I meant to be enjoying this ride because the first part of it I seem to be!!!!!

          Over it!!!!!


            Out of contact for a couple of days

            hi over it seems like progress to me,your on the rt track,over the last few years ive done the same,i started using the calender method,hang it over my computor,i beleive my wife is the only one who knows,check the days off,rather then using a date,1 thing, it doesnt seem like your using meds to help and that is a good thing,me either anymore,0ct.2007 i did 67 days Al free that was all that was left,2008 ,217, 2009,228 and this year2010 ive had one slip of nine days,was not nice,but i do have of 71 days ,62 days which are without Al,there are many ways to slay the dragon,you just have to find the one that works or you,good for you gyco

