I just don't see the point of trying hard to make friends, as I don't even like people half the time (not anyone on here of course, you guys are the best and I sometimes wish it was possible if we could have our own society in the "real" world!).. But I find people to be so frustrating.. everyone is out for themselves, and so many people are rude. I used to belong to a mother's group but all they did was bitch about each other behind their backs and be competitive.. and the 1 or 2 friends I have now all they do is bitch about the mother's groups they belong to! It seems that every relationship with people that people have is always negative - all people do is moan and bitch about each other! I don't want to be a part of any group.. i dont see the point!
I just feel like getting drunk now as I am so fed up with society and people.. not life in general as I do have some nice times on my own or with my son, and i enjoy my job most the time.. my problem is I do get lonely.. but hanging out with other people frustrates me! I always feel I have to "people-please", so then i cannot be myself.. if i dont i feel people will be nasty to me or about me, as that is what has happened so many times! people just seem to cannot be nice to each other anymore..
And i feel i can never trust anyone again, after my sister-in-law put me through hell last year, reporting me to the police and so on to blackmail me.. i really dont feel i can ever trust anyone ever again either..
sorry for rambling, just my thoughts.. i am feeling very despondent and now feel like getting drunk, even though its only 9am here (my son is with his dad for the weekend).. but i am tired of doing everything by myself, but im tired of people too.. i am in a no-win situation.. at least with AL I can be myself and dont have to please it! lol...