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ODAT, Monday, March 22

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    ODAT, Monday, March 22

    Happy Birthday to Poppa Bear
    Other than that, nothing big to report.
    Nursed my fat lip and my pride all day.
    Not sure what to think about the Health Care Reform Bill......think government does a pretty crappy job of running private business, but hubs and I currently have no health insurance, so,,,,waiting to see how it all plays out.
    Happy Monday to my wonderful job working for my lovely boss.......NOT!!!!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem

    ODAT, Monday, March 22

    You have a great week Mama bear,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      ODAT, Monday, March 22

      Hi Odaters!! Today is day 1 for me. Kicking off a new week kicking out a bad habit!!! Hope everyone is well!


        ODAT, Monday, March 22

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Beautiful morning here. Have just had my walk with the doggies and am off to do a whole list of things.

        Welcome Reboot, today is the start of the rest of your life. Just concentrate on getting through today AF, dont worry about tomorrow. Those days mount up, believe me.

        Mama, hope your lip and pride are soon ok. Enjoy Papa's birthday.

        Everyone else big hello.



          ODAT, Monday, March 22

          Day 7 here and feeling good but tired. I have such a busy week coming up. Better go and write a list so I don't forget anything.

          Spam xx


            ODAT, Monday, March 22

            congrats ,ODAT"S,1 hour or 50 years sobriety is all the same,the longer you get into it,the more youll see that,the alchohol is but a product,living,after time without a sedattive,which it is,one lerns to live all over again,that my dear friends is the ? gyco


              ODAT, Monday, March 22

              Happy Monday Everyone!

              Reboot, ya gotta start sometime, so why not now????
              Glad your lip is better Mama, sorry you hate your job, so do I!
              Good job on day 7 Spam! One week!!! Keep it going!!
              Hi Hill and Rustop. Rustop you are close to a month right???

              No way in HELL, I am a drinkin today! Tomorrow is my one month


                ODAT, Monday, March 22

                Yeah Over It......WOOT WOOT:wave:

                YOU ARE MY HERO
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT, Monday, March 22

                  Hi Overit

                  We are the same day then. I'm 30 days tomorrow. I cant believe it. It absolutely flew. The first time I did 30 days it seemed an eternity. I think sub-consciously I was just waiting until I could drink again!! This time I'm not thinking like that, it's a life style change. Lovely to reach the 30 days and then looking forward to my next target which is 60. Not thinking beyond that and taking it ODAT.



                    ODAT, Monday, March 22

                    Way to go Reboot...appropriate name!!!!
                    Sorry you are tired Spammy!!!!!
                    Woot Woot to you too Rust!!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      ODAT, Monday, March 22

                      Hang in there Mama,
                      Good things are destined for you you give us all a reason to smile and I love you for that. Have a great day with Poppa, he and your children are very lucky to have you in thier life.


                        ODAT, Monday, March 22

               are my new virtual sweetheart!!
                        Hope you like fat lips!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          ODAT, Monday, March 22

                          Hello ODATers!

                          Well, per my thread, I screwed up! I have to get back on the horse and ride. It wasn't worth it, trust me. No, nothing happened, but it was not worth it. AF is much better.

                          My aim is to learn from this and not do it again! I am not sure I should count days this time around. I need to change my way of thinking, as in I am not the kind of person who should drink, period. End of story.


