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told someone last night

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    told someone last night

    Finally pucked up the courage to tell someone about my drinking issues.
    My ex came round to see the kids, and later I told him that I had been abusing alcohol to cope with an unhappy situation, but that alcohol was not a part of my life right now.
    His response? Shock? Happiness? Support?
    No. He said, "Oh, so I'd better leave that bottle of wine in the car then?"
    Sometimes wonder if he is the evil voice of Al personified. Told him to leave it there.

    told someone last night

    as my new friends from Australia say Good on You!!!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      told someone last night

      Dancing, that was very cruel and cold of him. Life is full of people like that. I am so thankful to have found this site and made so many friends that I can be open and honest with and get love, understanding and encouragement instead of kicked when I am down. Just let it go. It really doesn't matter what people say to us anyway, it only matters how we react to it. I'm sorry you were treated that way. We all love you here though and we are always here to encourage you!
      I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
      but I'm sure not who I used to be!

      There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



        told someone last night

        Dancingon, it is quite clear why the man is your EX! Keep on hangin' here with us; we are much better for you!
        :crazymonkey: RivEd


          told someone last night

          rived;826371 wrote: Dancingon, it is quite clear why the man is your EX! Keep on hangin' here with us; we are much better for you!
          I agree.

          Be glad he's your ex and not your "present" the meantime, hang in there!


            told someone last night

            That is why he is your EX dancing on!
            My ex wasn't remotely supportive of my quitting drinking.. he knew I had a problem.. but still bought me AL alot of the time.. and even got me done for breaching an AVO where I wasnt supposed to be drinking around my son - when he was the one to buy me AL that time.. he got his family to write statements so I wouldn't write a statement about him assaulting me..
            It's a good job you aren't with him anymore.. same goes for my EX! this is why they are exes.. if i stayed with mine I would probably still be drinking and getting into trouble.. mine says he wants me back now because i have "improved".. he doesnt seem to link the fact I am so improved is because I am not in an unhappy marriage anymore with someone who did not support me and actually encouraged me to drink, despite all my issues! honestly - who cares what your ex thinks.. next time confide in us or a "real" friend, i dont confide or tell my ex anything anymore unless it's concerning our son!
            You are doing great..
            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              told someone last night

              Yes, I know you're right. I just bit because he said that smoking {dope} was no longer part of his life, so I said likewise with drinking. But, yeah, shouldn't have bothered because he couldn't be happy for me too.

              The reason we're strong enough to do this now is because we can see the future with hope.

              Incidentally, I'm jealous about your online dating. I'm nowhere near ready to go there, but I had a sneaky look in my age group and OMG. :bin:

