Last Fall I was really serious about this thing. My goal was 90 days. I was involved with someone at the time and I wanted to do those 90 days as much for him as for me. Well, I only made it to 45 days and then I drank. And then I didn't care. And then I wondered if I was just going to end up dead very soon so I emailed my brother telling him things had gotten pretty bad as sort of a headsup but I don't think he got it.
Coming here on MWO and finding all you wonderful people and getting a bit of time away from the bottle - well, I felt more optimistic. Now I'm not so sure again. Anyway, I don't know where I am going with this except I'd like to hear your thoughts, if you have any, on this whole notion of having another drink in us but not knowing if one has another recovery. I've been to too many rehabs and seen what happens to women my age who do not get a handle on it. I have a friend who did her dissertation on female alcholics and a good number of them die in their 40s. I am going back to WFS, but even in WFS, there have been maybe 4 or 5 suicides and we're talking a SMALL group of women. Sorry for such a heavy post so early in the morning, but I don't want to drink today and when I went to the store for cigs this a.m. the thought of buying a bottle crossed my mind. What kept me from doing so in part is the fact it was only 6:30 a.m. and I just could not do it.