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Am I doing this right?

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    Am I doing this right?


    I have just started to use the supplments this past week. Got most of them I think. I have already noticed that I have cut my drinking in half but still drink daily. I was drinking daily about a quart of rum or more. How long does it take to wean yourself down? My goal is to become a social drinker if I can get there. If not I know it will be abstinence. So far I feel way better each day.

    Thanks for any input.


    Am I doing this right?

    Hey Joe,

    Obviously, you're doing SOMETHING RIGHT or you wouldn't have cut your drinking in half! But you'd have to say more about exactly what you're doing before someone could really answer your questions. Also, I think you can still download the book for free on the blog if you haven't done so already. There is a chart in the book that details how to take all the supplements that will help you keep track of what you should be taking and when to take it. Sounds like you're doing well so far! Good luck on cutting back to the level you want to. If you want to try for abstinence, you might want to consider medication as well, or check out the abstinences forum further down the community page.

    It usually takes a few weeks to work up to quitting if that is what you want to do, and the supps won't do it for you. You will still have to put in a lot of work and planning yourself.

    Good luck, Joe! Welcome!

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Am I doing this right?


      Thanks Kathy,

      Will download the book. It's confusing for me now to know if theis is going to work but it feels right. Thanks for your suggestion.

      Good luck to you as well,


