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What to do?

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    What to do?

    This is a terrible time to have fall break. I have time on my hands, and the CDs and Topa won't be here for a while. I could study for a test, but it's not until next Thursday. I could do some reading for school, but nothing that really needs to be done this minute. I could clean my apartment - nah - play a video game - nah - go to a meeting - yuk. Have a drink? I'd really rather not. Have another cup of coffee? Plenty caffienated up already, thanks.

    I can't golf or workout, things I would normally do and like to do, because of muscle spasms that have been making me unhappy for two weeks. I don't want to call my ex-sponsor (and former best friend) because I can't take being pushed around anymore. I can't go shopping because that's an expensive fix. Could take some flexirill and sleep the rest of the day.

    I don't want to sit here feeling sad all day. How do people cope with loneliness?
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    What to do?

    hi tracya,i think we all get sad and lonely but what i do is take my dog out for a long walk or i might read a bookor watch one of my fav films a good way of really making myself feel better is to pamper myself you know nice hot bath,face mask,some nice body lotion,do my nails that sort of thing or just come on to our chat room and quittle away a few hours doing that .just a few suggestions but hope you are feeling happier soon and remember keep the chin up,it doesn,t last forever maryt


      What to do?

      Thanks Mary. It all passes.

      I was starting to feel invisible. Thanks for replying.
      * * *




        What to do?

        Welcome Tracy, I have not seen you around here before. I too am struggling with the loneliness/boredom issue but am going to start a serious excercise routine next week to increase the endorphins. I am sitting around being lazy and that just feeds off itself. Hope you found something fun to do to keep your occupied!!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

