I was doing well...really minimized my consumption...I am thinking I want to moderate. On Friday I quit my ridiculously stressful job, thinking that the stress would ebb from my pores...but no....instead now I worry about money, and what I will do with my new found free time. I am trying to get another job, but I won't hear from them until April.
Well, since I quit, I have drank every single night...Friday to last night. Last night was the deal breaker....my kids were upset with me, my husband is disgusted with me. I really need to get my sh*t together or I will lose them. I know that moderation is not in my cards. I just simply can't. If I go without, I am ok, but having just one, well, I might as well have 20, because I can't stop.
I am taking Bacolfen right now, but haven't hit my level of indifference. I keep waiting for it to happen, but I am thinking that going AF is the way to go. I will win my self respect back, I will win my husband and my kids respect back....I will get to be me again. I NEED to be me again.
Thanks for hearing me out.....:h