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so far, so good....

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    so far, so good....

    Hi everyone ? when I logged in today, I had a polite message suggesting that, as I haven?t posted for a while, I might like to? it was quite timely as I have been feeling I should make contact again ? I joined in January this year when I had had enough of hating myself fo drinking too much, giving up for a couple of days, moderating for a couple of weeks? blah, blah, same old story. I also had to stop lying to myself that I was in control ? my cravings were controlling me ? everything I did centred around how easy it would be for me to drink, sober up, not drive etc ? pathetic! So I found this site and for 2-3weeks was constantly reading posts, the Tool Box etc to try and work out how to get out of my hole. I?m not sure what specific thing has changed to make me feel I have truly mastered my cravings, but the combination of the stories we all share here, the advice from everyone on what worked for them (or didn?t), and the reading and reflection I did has got me to a place now where I can honestly say, and mean ?I am never going to drink again and I am never going to change my mind?. That is the promise I have made to myself ? it made me feel scared to even say it at first, but now I know that I am in control and not my cravings, it makes me quite excited! So far I am coming up for 3mo AF (I even stopped counting the days?) and although I do think about drinking sometimes, it is not a craving, it is just a thought, and I just remember my promise, and remind myself that it is not me who wants to drink, it is my ?beast brain?, and the feeling just goes. I haven?t turned into a new person, but I sleep well, eat well and feel like I can look people in the eye and not feel deceitful or weak, or spend the morning hiding a hangover. Interestingly, I am finding out what I really enjoy ? I used to be an exercise nut (partly to burn those calories, and partly to try to convince myself the alcohol was not damaging me) but now I sometimes feel I can?t be bothered to run/swim/gym etc. I would rather read a book, be with my family, bake a cake, whatever I choose. This was a strange revelation ? how many of the things I have done over the years have been a response to drinking?? What other hobbies, work, activities are going to open up for me now the alcohol fog has lifted? I feel generally calmer - my energy doesn?t seem to dip and soar as before. I?ve looked into the whole sugar addiction thing too ? this I am sure is very relevant to problem drinkers, but I?m going to let my body settle for a few months before I do anything else drastic ? I feel I am eating too much sugar/carbs, but as long as I?m not drinking, I?ll have time to sort that out?
    For those of you who are looking for your own path, I can only suggest what has helped me:
    - this forum, definitely ? live here for the first few days/weeks!
    - The My Way Out hypnosis tapes ? not sure if or how they work, but they are soothing and help take your mind off cravings, and help on those bad sleep nights
    - Rational Recovery ? not for everyone, but if you, like me, are at the stage where you have pussy-footed around your addiction for years, this uncompromising approach is simple and powerful ? just stop drinking ? no more excuses. That?s it!
    - In your sober time, just be kind and gentle to yourself ? don?t expect too much - enjoy the calm!
    - I take evening primrose oil, milk thistle (liver cleanser) and Vit B supplements ? not sure if they help but they can?t do any harm!

    I hope this helps someone in someway ? I know 3months sober is a small section of the rest of my journey AF, but at least now I am in a much better place than I have been for most of my adult life (20+years).
    Will keep in touch, JT.
    "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen

    so far, so good....

    Hi Jane
    That's great to know. I too have found the support and just talking about everything a real help. Now I'm pretty sure I can do it, whereas before I tried so many times and failed and beat myself up about it. nIce to hear the success stories.


      so far, so good....

      Thank you Jane! What a wonderful post!!:l:l
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        so far, so good....

        Jane - what a terriific post! Well done you on your 3 months and may you have much more AF time!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          so far, so good....

          Hi Jane,

          Thank you for such a positive post. It gives me much to look forward to! Can't wait to get up to the even 1 month mark myself.

          Interesting also about the revelations about yourself. Looking forward myself to finding out new things about myself once drinking is part of the past.

          Kepp on motoring!!!
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            so far, so good....

            Good for you Jane. We all have to do it in our own time, and our own way.
            Thanks for checking in.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              so far, so good....

              Thanks for the encouraging post :l
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                so far, so good....

                Jane, thanks so much for your thoughtful post. Your insight is very helpful and I loved the way you have taken the best of everything from MWO and utilized what works for you. Clearly three months is a BIG DEAL. Long enough so that you are making stunning life changes. It sounds like everthing is different for you in a positive way.

                Keep up the journey and let us know how you are doing. I will be looking in the future for your posts.


                  so far, so good....

                  J.T, I really enjoyed reading your honest and interesting post; it certainly was very appropriate for me. A lot of what you are experiencing, and have, is similar. I am glad that you are doing well, and are finding a good "new you". Keep up the great work,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    so far, so good....

                    Hi Jane. So nice to hear from you. We started at around the same time and I have been wondering how you are going. Good to hear it is working for you too.
                    I am feeling very much like you are. Trying to be gentle with myself and am looking at new hobbies now I have so much more time that I am not either in a black out or recovering.
                    I am reading Rational Recovery at the moment and just love what I have read. I still visit here at least twice a day as I get alot out of hearing what people have to say. I am taking all the supps however they are coming to the end of the bottles so am reviewing which ones I will continue. I put the CD's on at night but usually am asleep before they get too far in.
                    So glad you popped in and updated us on your success.
                    Take care.
                    hippy Chick
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      so far, so good....

                      Such a lovely calm happy post Jane - Well done, in comparison to you I think I'm still all over the place!! Congrats and keep in touch its lovely to hear someone come out the other end of this so well:goodjob:
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        so far, so good....

                        WOW!!!! Thanks everyone – I honestly had goosebumps when I read all your wonderful replies to my post – talk about ‘feel the love!’ The care and support on this site is amazing – we are all so supportive, empathetic and positive for each other – but maybe that is a characteristic of ‘people like us’. Perhaps we spend so much energy and compassion on others, we forget our own needs, and just beat ourselves up when we fall short of our own expectations. I know I expect myself to be outstanding at everything and can’t deal with what I perceive as ‘failure’. What a combination – huge empathy and compassion for others, but crazy high standards for ourselves – no wonder we end up drinking! So, just make sure you give yourselves some of the love you’ve shown me…
                        "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen

