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new here but past sell by date

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    new here but past sell by date

    Hi I'm Jackie. I'm new here -of course. I've been intending to stop drinking for over 20 years now- i always have an excuse- i'm tired, i'm happy, i'm angry, i'm upset- whatever. Only now i can barely function anymore- i cant cope with anything. i'm on my own so i cant afford to be out of work- and i'm in serious debt-i dont call myself an alcoholic but i wish i could stop drinking i have to now- i'm 48 years old, i cant go on like this anymore. i need to stop this- i function- just. but i've lost so many friends along the way. i just have to drink the most even by myself- i cut short seing people so i can drink. i hate myself - i know i'm destroying everything i care about- but i still cant stop. if anyone can help please do- i think i'm going mad- i have to get ok. how do i do that?

    new here but past sell by date

    Hi Jackie
    Glad you are here. Why can't you cope with anything? This is a good step. I have found a lot of support here and have been able really take a look at what I am doing to myself
    A lot of people "chat" so you should go there. Nice place to get lots of insight.

    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      new here but past sell by date

      Hi Jackie :welcome:

      I'm Neil, and I've been here a month now.

      First thing, thanks for posting. I know it takes some courage to do that the first time, so good for you.

      Second, I'm replying here because I know where you are coming from. I'm 50 years old, and starting drinking when I was 16. I knew I needed to stop when I was in my twenties, but nothing ever seemed to come together for me either. It just took 25 years of trying everything I knew to stop, and like you, I always had some reason that drove me back to the drink.

      There is hope. I haven't had a drink in almost 10 months now. If I can do it , so can you, because so many times I felt like there was no hope for me. So please believe there is hope for you too.

      Although my personal program is a little different than the MWO, it is more alike in its major themes. You have to attack on multiple fronts, with multiple tools to really get a footing. I came here for the support of others who are just like you and me. It has helped a lot with my long term abstinence.

      Myself, I just re-read the MWO book again. You can download it from the links, and someone else may be able to help you on that.

      The book will describe all the elements in detail. Its a combination of prescription drugs, nutritional supplements, audio CD hypnosis support, and exercise elements to work together to help break you out of the cycle of drinking.

      The forum here itself, is a group support, to help with the emotional and psychological things. You can read how it all works together here, and not feel so alone in the battle.

      I'll be around, so please know that you are not alone in this.



        new here but past sell by date

        Hi Jackie,
        Welcome to MWO!!! Sounds like you need to take a step one step at a time. Have you had time to download the book and read it. I think that what be a great start. From personal experience MWO has really changed my life and I think it could help you. There was a point where I thought things were pretty bad for me, but we all have to realize the sun rises and we can control what we do that day. I think you being pretty hard on yourself, but reflect on the good things you have done for you and the people close to you. Take care and again welcome to MWO. Abby


          new here but past sell by date

          Thankyou for your replies- I'm glad I found this place- it helps to talk to people who know what this is like. I'll take everyones advice-i have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I know that, it just never lasts the whole day through. I'll keep coming back, and i'll download the book, and read it and do anything to make my life better. I'm not a stupid person, I don't undertand why I want to destroy myself. No one I've heard from here is either- why do we hurt ourselves when we know better. I have a good excuse to drink today- I've found a tiny hard little lump-my Mum had breast cancer- surviving so far- but she thinks it is- not a good year but if I have that to deal with too I really have to get my act together. Hope the next life is better than this one- and I hope I remember all the bad stuff. I'll probably come back as a fly lol x

