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Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

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    Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

    KatieB;828572 wrote: I am off to make sure we have a fantastic and fun day, and I will ensure I keep away from AL!
    Katie xxx
    Now THAT is something YOU can control!! Have a great time and congrats on working through this moment without AL. You are winning.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk


      Take a look at the Birthday thread I started for you this morning in the General Discussion section.

      LOTS of people give a shit about you!!

      We do all love you!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

        Oh baby...have a happy day and take care of you and your son and don't let that loser get thebest of you...
        I was fussing about my tool of a boss the other day and someone said...."He is NOT worth your sobriety"
        that really hit me.....
        love and hugs coming to you
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

          Proper perspective


          I know with or without drugs (and there is no shame in using them if that is a decision that you and one who knows about them can make) you will make it. I took some ativan after a particularly stressful week with health (not Al related) when I was attempting also to become AF. It helped but mostly made me tired-- guess it shut off that mind of ours that makes us go nuts at times. At any rate, your ex is not the enemy though he certainly is actingt like that -- he will always be the one who gave you your best gift-- your child. Now you are showing to your child that you want to be a good person for you and him. And your ex can deal with his @#$!% issues-- you will not be sick and he can continue to be-- but for your son-- he will have one great parent. And no matter what happens with the court-- continuing to do this -- to fight -- will be the only thing thta will bring long term relaization of your goals. I heard Craig Ferguson say once "AL saved my life" because in one bad bout of drinking and the guilt and torture he thought-- I will kill myself today. But he had sherry and forgot about it. Abotu 6 weeks later hea realied it was a THINKING problem and not a DRINKING one. Well you haev relaized it because you sought thelp to think differently than usual. Valium and AL could kill you-- but you do not want to die. Coming here proved that. Good luck-- my dad always loved OZ-- most of any country he did AL work for. Alot of time in Brisbane. It was hte first time he flew and he had a 24 hour flight with 3 refuelings at the time!


            Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

            So glad you got past that KatieB. :goodjob:

            I vote we send your ex and mine away together for a weekend and let them abuse each other. No maybe not. Not sure either of us could cope with the fall out from that. :H
            Who is he to say nobody gives a shit about your birthday?
            Glad you called your friend and came on here for support.
            I hope you and your son had a lovely time. Stay strong for that court case.


              Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

              Thank you all..
              I am feeling quite strong, much more so with your messages of encouragement.. I have not turned to AL and I am sober.. that way I can keep a clear head and look after my son - he is all that matters.. whatever happens at the court case happens.. I only care about being a good mum to my son and keeping myself well; physically and mentally!
              You have all been a great tower of strength for me..
              Katie xxx
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

                Hey Katie, Well done for keeping strong mate. Keep things going and as the others said try and have a good day tomorrow! Will be thinking about you. Aquriams are cool places to sit and not think but watch the sea life and relax....

                Take care

                Overit xxx


                  Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

                  Happy Birthday, Katie!

                  I wish I could come to the Aquarium with you! You are a wonderful person and if you drink, that SOB wins! You're much tougher than he is.....let him destroy himself.



                    Feeling super-stressed/upset and want to get drunk

                    Morning Katie!
                    If you can look at the 'bigger picture' here you will realise that if you can get through this sober you can get through ANYTHING life will throw at you in the future! Well done and keep on keeping going!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14

