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ODAT, Friday, March 26th

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    ODAT, Friday, March 26th

    Thanks so much guys. I knew you would make me feel better, and you have. Thank you so much. I guess its just pick myself back up again time and try again.

    Johnny, drinking will not solve anything and will just make you feel worse. Its good you are on the Antabuse, so you cannot drink!

    Use what just happened to me as an example. I drank and look how badly I wish I had not. I made the wrong choice, and I have to pay for it, again. Its not a nice feeling to have to go through this again and again. Its Hell.

    I hope you feel better, but just remember drinking is really poison to people like us.

    And Yes, I am on board for another 30 days, and next time... I wont fuck it up!!!!


      ODAT, Friday, March 26th

      Hello Family.....
      Oh my buddy Over It ....I feel your sadness and I wish I was there with you...but I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and you have been my inspiration......just start over honey.....I hope you weren't too sick yesterday. You have always been there for me and now it's my turn to be there for you.
      Hey CoCo, Spam, Johnny and Dunno....have a great day.
      I am hanging in there....not AF, but good
      I still have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much stress in my life and I think this company I work for is about to shut down.....garbage service is disconnected, phones are cut off at one office, our on line accounting system is down for non payment....yesterday I just sat here and cried.....
      Plus Hubs works for commission only and you know how that can be....I have been on so many interviews and I am not being hired...I think I need to dumb down my resume as I am overqualified for most jobs, but I swear I will take anything to get out of here......
      So Brother alcohol can be very appealing
      But I learned to watch my more hangovers, no more driving drunk, and I am working toward being AF.....
      I needed to confess that to you guys.....
      any body here taking topa???? it makes me feel like el stupid and I think it is giving me headaches.....
      ok...enough rambling....
      love you partners on this crazy journey some training for me....I am so drained when I get home I fall on the couch.....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        ODAT, Friday, March 26th

        Yikes Dunno....a bar????
        Don't think I could do that!!!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          ODAT, Friday, March 26th

          Hi Overit

          Been there, done that, even after 30 days. You proved you could do it once so you KNOW you can do it again. Get right back on the wagon. I'm starting another 30 days, you are just behind me so come on tag along.



            ODAT, Friday, March 26th

            Thanks you guys. The last couple of posts from Mama and Rustop brought tears gushing down my face. Not really bad tears, but happy tears.

            Im so grateful for all you guys because if I didnt have you guys to turn to, then I would be all alone with this. Thanks so much for being there, and I plan to be back on top real soon, and hopefully all the wiser.




              ODAT, Friday, March 26th

              johnnyh;828320 wrote:
              Spam, I know what you're saying about the excercising but i'm so unfit at the moment, I know I won't have a lot of fun with it, hence making it more difficult to convince myself to get started. Not really a great fan of walking either.

              Anyways. I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment. an hour before I pack up and go home and I feel nauseated at the idea not being able to drink tonight. I'm feeling the lowest I have in the past 12 days. It's going to be a real toughie tonight. I just feel like getting drunk and I can't

              No excuses. Saffas can do anything. Are you Afrikaans, English background or something else?

              You'll be right this evening. Just keep plugging away. One hour, one minute at a time if necessary. You're strong. Ask (your) god for support.

              I had a tough day 9. Went to bed with a huge headache but sober. Battle on, my friend.

              As for training, no excuses also. I was very unfit, still am but I am getting fitter.

              Spam xx


                ODAT, Friday, March 26th

                Afternoon folks
                Wow this thread is going a long time today - just been catching up.
                OverIt, don't beat yourself up the 30 days don't go away you know, think how much healthier your liver is, your whole body, regardless of a slip up. I've said it here before but after a rotten calamitous slip, feeling like you do today, I slunk into my docs and 'fessed up and instead of giving me a b)(*&^%ing he said that sometimes a slip like that can be a very good thing cos you never want to be in 'that place' again. I was so grateful to him for his kindness but now in hindsight I know how right he was, I NEVER want to feel like I did that day again. Anyway what I'm trying to say is use your experience yesterday to learn for all the days to come.
                Johnny, be strong, there are tough days, hours, mins, but they pass.
                Good on you Spam, am loosing weight but can't hack the exercise part too much, am on my feet all day at work and by the time I get home I'm knackered!
                Anyway have a nice Friday everyone, will check in again later
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  ODAT, Friday, March 26th

                  I am definitely in a ODAT mode ~~ but I can feel the weekly AF mode developing b/c it is getting easier. I believe the diet, supps and the Exercise are responsible. I do have my days and that is when I make sure to get in the more intense exercise. But if I am tired from previous exercise I just relax so my bod can recuperate and I can go again. I am and always have been an exercise person and let me tell you this time the beginning of the program took me months to arrive at. Then once I started I had to sit out the boredom of beginning and wait till it showed results. Results (sleeping better, more calm during tense times, less anxiety, interested in a better diet to fuel my body, AF desire enhanced, etc. Now I look forward to the results I get from the exercise and find my self looking forward to my next bout. One thing though is don't neglect recovery time. Rest is definitely essential so your are ready to enjoy the next session rather than plod through it. My credo is 'when in doubt sit it out'. They say the Tour de France is won in bed. If the riders do not recover after a tough stage they will not be ready to give their best. Then it is a slow grind to just finish the race if they do not take the steps to recover so they can perform at their max.
                  All I can advise is that the exercise stresses your body and then the rest rebuilds it. The rest is just as important as the exercise if not maybe more important. ~~ Long post but the exercise has me humming. Good AF day to all.


                    ODAT, Friday, March 26th

                    Thanks Hyper, I'm good at the 'rest' part..............ah well 50% isn't bad ha ha!
                    Schucks I know you're right about the exercise, just not a great fan
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      ODAT, Friday, March 26th

                      Molly you may not be a fan but like the Nike ad says ~~ 'Just DO it' ~~ Go slowly at first & try and find something simple you might enjoy like walking. Switch around till you find something that is compatible with you. Do you have a friend you could talk with about starting to do a little exercise, a companion can be a great help in motivating in the beginning.
                      One of my guru's over the years ( I am dating myself) has been Jack LaLane. He was doing exercise waay back before it became popular. Before I leave you with one of his quotes I will politely tell you to get up off your duff and do a little exercise, anything & any amount, just do it eventually you will find it rewarding.

                      I do it as a therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a little discipline. Exercise is my discipline.
                      Jack LaLanne


                        ODAT, Friday, March 26th

                        Just checking in again quickly before going to bed.

                        I made it. Unbelievable. Didn't go to bad after all. loads of sweets and snacks again but kept me on the straight.

                        Spam. English background. I'll really make an effort to do this excercising thing. Need to develop some kind of game plan.
                        AF since 15th March 2010

                        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.

