As I tried to document my plan, I realized how much it's changed over time since I first started. And I'm sure I forgot some things but I will use the "Edit" feature to come back and add things if I realize I forgot something. (see button at the lower right corner of any post YOU make - you can only edit your own posts.)
You will also see that my personal plan involves a lot of AA. That's only because AA has worked out well for me, along with a lot of the MWO program. (which is outlined in the book available from the Health Store here). I realize AA is not for everyone and I'm not suggesting that anyone else's plan should be exactly like mine. What I WOULD like to point out is that I find a tremendous benefit is doing things first thing in the AM to set the stage for a peaceful and sober day. EVERY DAY. If I slack off, I start losing my mental balance. So this is a daily thing for me.
Here is what I currently do on a daily basis to stay sober.
1. Before I get out of bed, I start with some meditation and prayer including the Serenity prayer. I give thought to my plans for the day and get mentally organized.
2. After I get dressed and made up, I have a coffee and talk to my AA sponsor on the phone. We have become close friends and these conversations are very positive. If I have anything challenging on my mind, I ask for input.
3. I started out with the full range of supplements in the MWO starter kit. I have customized this over time to my needs and take the appropriate supplements split between morning and evening.
4. Check in with the Daily AF thread and Weekly AA thread at MWO
5. Attend 7AM AA meeting before work activities (usually 5 days per week) or just read some of the readings at this link: Daily Recovery Readings
6. NOW I?m ready to face the world with my head on straight!! Take care of my daily business.
7. I exercise at home or at the gym with a goal of 5X per week. (3X weights & cardio, 2X cardio only)
8. Follow a no sugar, moderate carb eating plan with very little processed food.
9. On weekends, do some service work helping other alcoholics (calling or meeting with other AAers, help out at the Alano club, talk to my sponsee, post at MWO ? some variety of those things?)
10. Whenever I feel myself getting worked up, say serenity prayer and decide if the issue is something I can control or not. Act, or forget about it.
11. End the day with some reflection about the day. What worked, what didn?t, are there any wrongs I committed that I need to right, etc. Think a little about the day ahead and the plans.
Other things I do regularly:
1. Maintain my gratitude list. When I start feeling sorry for myself (pity party) take a look at all I have to be truly grateful for.
2. Maintain a list of things to do. This is a combo of ?chore? type things but also fun things. If I have an urge to drink, I need to focus on something else. That?s when I pull out this list of things to do.
3. Have a plan for any social events where I have to be around AL:
a. Eat before I go
b. Decide what I will drink and bring my own if appropriate
c. Have an exit strategy.
d. Decide in advance that I will ALWAYS leave before I drink AL.
e. Arrive late, leave early.
4. Plan social activities with SOBER people.
5. Have reading material around that aids me in my sobriety. (i.e. biographies of people who have sobered up and how they did it, AA or other literature, etc.)
Sobriety is my #1 priority every single day. It has to be. I put a lot of effort into it. But my reward is that the obsession to drink has left me. I don't get strong urges to drink any more. To me? My efforts are all worth while. I no longer want to kill myself wondering what possible reason I have to live.
So...what's YOUR plan?