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looking for on line support

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    looking for on line support

    I only drink wine but I am clearly addicted to it. I feel like I need it at the end of the day to relax and feel good. I also have trouble going to sleep if If I am AF. I am small, too small to drink as much wine as I do. I want to quit. I recognize that I have a problem with it, so I am not in denial. I do not want to go to an AA meeting somewhere, I am way too shy and embarrassed and concerned about people thinking I have a problem to do that. I would love to get that kind of support anonymously on line instead. I have not bought the book or the supplements yet, but I can certainly do it. I found this site tonight while I was researching the issue. Wayne Dyer says, "you can never get enough of what you don't want." That makes sense to me, that is my problem. Can you all help me?

    looking for on line support

    Hi sweet pea,

    Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
    Wine was my drink too! But, I am proud to say that I haven't had a drop in the past 376 days
    I did it with the wonderful support I found right here at MWO!

    You can download & read the MWO book right from the Health Store. It's a quick read & full of info. I also highly recommend ordering the CDs. They were instrumental in helping me learn to relax without AL. Take a look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan.

    Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support.
    Wishing you the best on your journey!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      looking for on line support

      Sweet Pea - you have come to the right place. I don't think one size fits all when it comes to finding a good place to get support to become AF. First step is recognizing the problem - harder next step is addressing it. I can completely relate - night drinking to help me get numb and sleep was something I did for 7 years straight. Check out the tool box, supplements and MWO book and CD's. I wish you the best and hope to hear how you are doing soon!


        looking for on line support

        Thank you, Lav, what do you think about using the meds? I am willing to try anything that will make it easier.


          looking for on line support

          Thank you Farm Girl. I want to take the meds if they help. Do you take them?


            looking for on line support

            Hi Sweet Pea,

            I stumbled upon this site too. I had a few AF days last week and then succumbed to temptation over the weekend. I had ordered the super 6 week package and it arrived on Saturday. I listened to the self-hypnosis last night and again this afternoon; took the supplements and was able to go through the afternoon/evening w/o temptation. (this is day 1 AF for me, so it is a little baby step.) Good thing is, I was out running errands during my "witching hour" and drove right past a liquor store. No temptation to stop and get wine! I used to get it out of fear of being home, "needing" it and not having any.
            I hope this is the beginning of permanent change for me! The CD is for "social situations" but I've added thoughts for nights at home with my hubby.
            Good luck to you!


              looking for on line support

              Welcome Sweetpea:welcome:
              Don't know anything about the meds - sorry but I concur with the sleep problem, it is an issue with most people here at the beginning, but again, if you just accept that 'awake sober is better than asleep drunk' for a few nights the chances are you'll be sleeping great within a week or so (not me unfortunately but I think I always had a sleep problem anyway).
              I also understand about AA. I have never been and not for any reason against AA it would appear to be a magnificent organization and helps thousands and thousands of people all the time, but like you, I feel I COULDN'T walk in to a room full of strangers and tell them all the things I tell people here, that's why this place is a gem, keep posting and reading and you'll get loads of info on meds from others
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                looking for on line support

                Hi Sweet Pea,

                Your post actually put a smile on my face. I love it when a person is so straight forward and knows exactly where they stand and what they want. At least that's how your post came across to me.

                This is an awesome site and provides loads of support without every having to give up your anonymity. Also not an AA person myself. Also don't quite feel comfortable with the idea.

                Looking forward to reading more from you. Do check the meds section and do some reading there on different supplements, etc. I think different things work for different people. This kicking "the habit" is a journey of discovery and self discovery.

                Have a great day!
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  looking for on line support

                  Thank you so much for your wonderful support. I think I have found the right place to get support without exposing myself in a somewhat negative light in my community. I have quit before for days and weeks at a time but all it takes is one slip to fall right back into my old bad habits. As I mentioned, I am petite (I weigh barely 100 lbs.), so I think my "too much" is probably way less than some other's who are twice my weight. I really wish I didn't like wine so much and I wish there was something non-alcoholic that was just as satisfying. I live in a community where so many friends and neighbors hang out in the local "Wine Bar" and meet every evening for a drink or two. I don't do well trying to moderate, I have tried that and always failed. Thanks to all of you for making me feel like I am in a supportive group of the type that I would imagine is provided by AA. I bought the AA book and was kind of turned off because it described an alcoholic that I can't identifiy with at all. MWO is more my cup of tea, so to speak, I am going to get the book and the tapes.


                    looking for on line support

                    Hi Sweet Pea...(I love that name--I call my daughters that)

                    You can check out different meds, in the you guessed it, 'Meds section'. There is TONSSS of helpful information. It will be quite overwhelming, read a little online before about each one, and then narrow things down. You can speak with your dr. I am taking Baclofen, and while I am not completely AF, I have significantly reduced my intake. I had purchased it online--easier done from some places than others (Canada isnt too hard but a LONG wait). Eventually I fessed up to my dr and she gave me a script. Much cheaper and I feel better having her aware.

                    So hop on, grab some water, and read, read, read!!!! Everyone here is so very helpful and there for you when you need them.....ask questions.....try reading the book, "The End of My Addiction" by Dr. Oliver Ameison.

                    Take care of yourself!!!

                    Feel free to PM (Private Message) me any time.....
                    AF July 6 2014


                      looking for on line support

                      Hi again sweet pea,

                      I do not have any experience in taking these meds but I do have a nursing background.
                      I do highly advise you to talk to a doctor first before considering any of these meds. You could have problems with the dosages due to your petite size.
                      Honestly, the serious cravings only lasted a few days for me - after that they became more like thoughts. After a while the thoughts fizzle out. I really don't think about wine much anymore. I'm happy to be free of the demon, I'm in charge of my life once again
                      If you just wait out those early cravings - they only lasted about 15-20 min or so.....distract yourself by doing something completely different. Take some deep breaths, take a short walk, play a game on your computer......whatever it takes!

                      Give it a try - you just may surprise yourself!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

