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i don't know how i'm going to do it

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    i don't know how i'm going to do it

    Saucey, you took the first step - posting on here. You've already got lot's of advice, so I'll just add that friends that push drinks in your face are not friends at all. People who really care will support you. If you don't want to do AA, try to see if your college has any groups or counseling available. Don't give up - you have a lot to live for and the right people will come into your life!


      i don't know how i'm going to do it

      One thing

      Saucy-- Congrats-- I too thought all drank-- now I see I was wrong! One think I want to say to you though and this is not to discoutn the enormous amount of damage oen can do with long term AL use (loss of job, car accidents etc)-- BUT--there are many long term long term alcohlic whose liver completely recovers after being off booze-- the liver is amazing. While drinking I am sure the enzyymes or function may be poor in any heavy drinker -- however I will say-- I thought I was way off base with my booze and to me I was-- I drank wine (and beer too at times) for a while-- probably less than 3 years but I did drink more for almost 5-- and my liver function tests were good even just not drinking for a couple days. Of course it is individual and I may not have always drank too much but I just want to say-- do not be sure you have done irrevocable damage (adn then throqw in teh towel because -- well why not??)-- just think to yourself that if you keep going you really might for sure (it is pretty much inevitable from what I haev read) but that your body (and mind and soul) can heal itself if you can live a sober life. Just give it a try! Good luck!

