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So ashamed

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    So ashamed

    Hi all,

    Ive been reading here for awhile. Im so ashamed of myself. Ive hit rock bottom. I fell last night and cut my head after a binge. I hope I can do it this time. Ive stopped before, but somehow I always slip. thanks for reading :new:

    So ashamed

    :welcome: lonley gal,
    You've made a huge step today just by reaching out and asking for help.
    Have a click on the link below to help you get started.

    Keep reading,keep posting and let us get to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      So ashamed

      Lonely Gal,

      Shame and guilt are the "badges" we get to wear because of this addiction.

      I know the "somehow I always slip," also.

      I do know that moving forward and just accepting that we have done things that make us feel badly about ourselves, now get on with it, works much better than dwelling on the past.

      I am glad you found us and are ready to take steps to make your life better. You will find good support here.

      AF April 9, 2016


        So ashamed

        Hello Lonley and welcome, we have all been there and you know that now the only way to go is up. As the previous posters say you have taken an important step in realising there is a problem and posting so well done on that. Do have a look in that toolbox link and keep posting, the support and advice is amazing.
        Keep safe
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          So ashamed

          Hi lonely gal and welcome! Well done on posting here for help, and support you will certainly receive! Here's a good thread for you to take a look at
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            So ashamed

            Hi Lonley,

            Come and have a look in the Newbies Nest. There's lots of us in there at all different stages.

            Well done on coming here and asking for help.



              So ashamed

              Thanks all for the replies! My partner left me last year for another woman and ever since, the drink as spirralled out of control. I want to change so much.


                So ashamed

                Sorry to hear that you've had a bad time.

                You've probably realised that drinking has not made the situation any better. Things to become clearer and much better when we get AL (alcohol) our of our lives.

                Think about a plan. There's a lot of good examples on here.

                Come back, read, post and ask questions.



                  So ashamed

                  lonley gal;832023 wrote: Thanks all for the replies! My partner left me last year for another woman and ever since, the drink as spirralled out of control. I want to change so much.
                  Mine did too almost 2 years ago and what a blessing it was. Grab a hold of yourself and create a new life!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    So ashamed

                    lonley gal;832023 wrote: Thanks all for the replies! My partner left me last year for another woman and ever since, the drink as spirralled out of control. I want to change so much.
                    I went through the same thing thirteen years ago. My partner dumped me for a mutual friend. I didn't think there was any way I'd ever recover from the pain, but I did. Now, I'm with a wonderful person, and this relationship is way healthier than the last one.

                    lonley gal, they say the best revenge is to live well. Park yourself here for a can find some non-judgmental support here, and it's a great place to be when you're feeling shaky. :welcome:


                      So ashamed

                      When He left me I had postnatal depression. I started buying bottles of wine when I was in the supermarket. I feel Ive been a terrible mother. I have hardly any friends and just feel like Im a useless person.


                        So ashamed

                        For the sake of not only yourself, but your child, you need to pursue this. Does your ex contribute financially to the maintenance of your child? Does he see the child? Have you seen a doctor for your depression? Post natal depression is a serious thing, lonley needs to be addressed. :l


                          So ashamed

                          I am taking anti-depressants. I know Im mad to be drinking while taking them. When I dont drink I feel quite well. My ex is supportive to our baby. I know I have to let him go and build a better life for my little family.


                            So ashamed

                            lonely gal, you are probably a very good mother. One of the common bonds we here at MWO have is that of the depression, guilt, shame, and low self esteem the AL so generously bestows on us. When you get the alcohol out of your system, those feelings will lessen if not disappear. Why don't you start right now by downloading the MWO book from the Health Store at the top of this page. It is about $12. You can begin to understand your situation and formulate a plan to change it for good!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              So ashamed

                              greeneyes;832048 wrote: lonely gal, you are probably a very good mother. One of the common bonds we here at MWO have is that of the depression, guilt, shame, and low self esteem the AL so generously bestows on us. When you get the alcohol out of your system, those feelings will lessen if not disappear. Why don't you start right now by downloading the MWO book from the Health Store at the top of this page. It is about $12. You can begin to understand your situation and formulate a plan to change it for good!
                              I second what greeneyes says. Also, go to your library and check out some books concerning addiction.

                              You know that you feel better when you're not drinking... I hate AA slogans, but maybe you can take this one day at a time. That's pretty much what I'm doing. One good sober day can lead into another, and another. Also, try to play the future out in your head. Alcohol may make you feel good temporarily, but the aftermath is awful. Waking up in the wee hours, worried and shaky (at least, for me). Also, what if your little one falls ill while you're drunk? You need to be in good condition for him/her.

                              You can do this, lonley gal!

