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I am so sorry MWO!

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    I am so sorry MWO!

    Sheri;832722 wrote: Hi Another Day,

    I just wanted to add my support and understanding for what you are going through with your Dad right now. I lost both my parents and a brother before I turned 21, one suddenly, and the other two after many years of illlness, and have learned the hard way through those experiences that alcohol is not the solution.

    Saying goodbye to those we love is one of the most difficult things we will have to go through in life, and no matter how prepared we think we are, it's still so very painful. It is good that you are able to express your thoughts and feelings in such an open and honest way and I hope that you will continue to do so and reach out for support whenever you need to without feeling the need to apologize.

    I have heard so many wonderful things about hospice care in terms of the physical, emotional and spiritual support they offer to patients and their familiies, and I hope that you and yours have a similar positive experience. They are indeed very special people, so perhaps you could bake for them, too?


    I would love to bake for them but I'm 1800 miles away. Of course, I could always just bake and then drop stuff off at hospice places here! Another great idea! Thanks!


      I am so sorry MWO!

      LT;832735 wrote: AD,

      I did the broken rib thing too... ugh!!!! I think baking is good. Something I have done was to foster a dog for a week. I have three of my own but saw this poodle who was at the shelter b/c she could no longer give birth to puppies so they dumped her. It has been great pampering her!!!! I haven't had time to dwell of my past loser choices. Now I do not have kids, so this type of situation works.
      Also, she was a prisoner of a puppy mill & is now learning how to live like a real dog. (as I am relearning how to live so os she) I am still teaching her to walk up steps.

      I am so sorry about your father. Has your family considered a closed coffin? (just a thought) As, I sensed anxiety when you mentioned seeing him lifeless.

      You are in my thoughts and prayers... :l
      Broken ribs really hurt. :upset: I was so distraught over my dad and got involved with some guy while drinking and taking pills - ended up with a broken rib. Anyway, gosh, I would love to take in a poodle like you! What a great idea! Maybe I'll go to a shelter. I have two dogs who have ruined the carpet. What would one more hurt?

      As to the closed coffin...gosh, I don't dare bring it up. I think I will just choose not to go up there instead. If my family has a problem with it, I'll just say I choose to remember him alive and they can deal with it. I should not even be thinking ahead, probably.


        I am so sorry MWO!

        Hippy Chick;832745 wrote: Hi Anotherday. I think you are very brave admitting what you have done and coming back to apologise. Although there is no need to apologise to us on this site.
        I completely understand the shame and embarrassment of doing public things while in a blackout. I did it for 30 years.
        You are going thru a very stressful time and will need support from this site, so I am glad you felt the courage to come back. Alot of people would have run away.
        Be gentle with yourself.
        Hippy Chick
        What a sweet thing to say. Truth is I really get a lot from this site and I felt very bad knowing I had posted *something* yet wasn't sure quite what. I do hope people don't run away as I know I understand when someone posts something and I think "yup, I bet that person is drinking."

        At any rate, everyone here is so wonderful and all I've done today is sleep and eat ice cream. So far I've had pumpkin pie ice cream and a taste of spumoni. I'm back on my diet tomorrow. Sleep well everyone.

