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I really NEED to get back to AF...

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    I really NEED to get back to AF...

    Haven't posted in a good while, month or two. I was AF for two months (Jan-Feb, I think)... then...

    Not getting drunk, but drinking Every day!! NOT good. I just started new job a couple weeks ago -- which is Fantastic (after more than 2 yrs.), but I used that as excuse (stress, etc.) to have a few drinks every night.

    Even though I'm not overdoing the amount so much, I can't seem to STOP for even one day!! And I know I can do it, having quit for long periods before.

    I don't know how to get out of the Habit. I'm keeping it to ONE today (all i have left!) and won't buy more. It's just SO easy to get back in the habit...

    You would think that now that I'm busy during day and Can't drink, it would be easier than when I was unemployed -- but it Isn't.

    Bleah. Not even sure if there's a question in all this. Guess I just needed to write it down for it to be real.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    I really NEED to get back to AF...

    Hi Sav! Good to see you back here.
    I can relate to how easy it is to fall back into the daily drinking trap again. Even if it's just one or two a day this is also something I need to work on. Being easter holidays doesn't make it much easier when everyone around me is drinking like a fish.

    Keep posting and checking in, there's loads of support here as you know:-)
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      I really NEED to get back to AF...

      well you went af for those two months you can and will find yourway back just keep on writing and you will see your way back .. ask yourself how you did it before and read all your post from before and learn again .. stay strong and keep fighting and think positive
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        I really NEED to get back to AF...

        hi & welcome back savon19
        If success does not come immediately we need to keep trying, keep going forward, never surrender. Many people fail because they never really put in the effort. Sometimes that is because they feel that they are going to fail anyway. Sometimes it is because they fear failure and by not giving all of themselves they can convince themselves that "if they had really tried, then ....". So it can be a way of preserving their sense of self as having power by not actually testing it jump back in here savon19 and learn from your last time of being alcohol free and use it for the good,:-)

        Nothing makes failure more certain than never trying. Unknown

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          I really NEED to get back to AF...

          Hi Neighbor!!! (literally)

          I tried to call you yesterday, Im sorry you are going through this.

          First off, I think its awesome you got this new job. A BIG congratulations for that!!! It sounds like just what you needed and I love the area you are working in. Been there and just love that town.

          Hmmm, second about the drinking. You have always been there for me, and I hope you know that I will always be there for you. I appreciate all the times we have talked and all the great advice you have given to me, and I appreciate you just being there and just being you! YOU are a wonderful person ya know??? (she really is guys)

          I know its easy to slip back into old habits. It sounds like this is a habit you are ready to break again, you did it before. I think when you are ready, its just going to happen naturallly for you again. I hope friend! ALso, POST more!!!

          Please get in touch with me soon, I miss you and want my friend to be HAPPY!




            I really NEED to get back to AF...

            Hi Savon. Congratulations on the new job!! I can relate to what you are saying about being a bit baffled that the "habit" is hard to break.

            With all the support I can muster, I ask this question.

            Is it habit or is it addiction?

            I ask this because I believe the two things are different, and what it takes to change addiction behavior is different than what it takes to change a habit.

            I spent many years in huge denial about my addiction and it was not even remotely possible for me to improve things until I got honest with myself about it. I don't know what *your* truth is. Just sharing my own experience with similar situations.

            All the best to you! Don't let AL interfere with your new career.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I really NEED to get back to AF...

              Thanks, everyone, for your support! (I knew I'd get it here, as always...)

              I'll catch up w/you soon, Overit - our schedules make it hard to talk these days! (Got your nice message, tho.)

              Habit or addiction is a good question, doggygirl. One thing is, I've never had any sort of withdrawals... but I think it's a fine line. Maybe it's possible that sometimes it's addiction, and sometimes it's habit!! I'm leaning towards habit with this mainly due to quantity, but I'm not sure...

              Resisted buying any, and my goal is that I go Zero tomorrow. Actually got a few things done! Funny how that works, huh?

              I agree with you, Mario, that it takes perseverance. Gotta keep on tryin'. I will. I know I'll feel brighter for work, too. Which I Need to be!!

              Thanks, all.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                I really NEED to get back to AF...

                As I'm about 3/4 way through Alan Carr's book and he talks about this, I'd say that making something a habit in the first place allows it to slide subtly into addiction. I can think back to my 20s when I didn't drink except lightly for maybe 3 special occasions in the year. I would never have said during that period that I can go for months without a drink, because it was not my habit to drink, so why would I think of the times between drinks as going without? Later when I became sophisticated and made it a habit, it had a foothold.

                Anyway, too late for that now, except that if you're going back to it, is it because you feel deprived, or you haven't let go the idea of drinking? Even though you're not getting drunk, you are obviously still concerned about your drinking becoming a habit again, and it's a short road from there to the habit becoming more and more drinks.

                I'm still working through these ideas myself, but my mind has definitley been changing over the last week.

