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Slippery slope

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    Slippery slope

    I made it 5 days AF, 1 day "moderating", blew it last night. Feeling the effects today.
    Now I get what the "senior" members mean when they say to go AF for 30 days.
    So, here is my new day 1. I have vowed that I will not buy wine for the house, as that is what slips me up. I do have some social events coming up, but know that I can have a glass or 2 in a restaurant and stop; the problem is if there is wine at home after 2 glasses at the restaurant. Then I slide down that slippery slope.
    Goal: 30 days no wine in house = 30 days moderating = 30 days feeling a hell of a lot better about myself. Why did I give up that great feeling that was building?!! I hadn't felt so positive and optimistic for such a long time! Looking forward to getting that back. Wish me luck.

    Slippery slope

    Good luck to you! You have a plan and that is important. See how it works out for you and adjust from there.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Slippery slope

      ditto what doggygirl says 4myhealth, goodluck and let us know how your doing.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Slippery slope

        Good luck with your new plan!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Slippery slope

          4MY -- Buddy you can do it! I have been there... you have a plan. I have made it to DAY 9 and I appreciate your support!!!!!

          PM me if you'd like! Lot's of water & simply move on... :l
          LT formerly known as stillcrawling


            Slippery slope

            Stay close to MWO. we are all on this slippery slope together!
            Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
            And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

            • Yesterday is History
              Today is a Mystery
              Tomorrow is a GIFT


              Slippery slope

              Thanks everyone!!


                Slippery slope

                4MyHealth - Good luck and stay strong! My downfall in the past was having AL in the house. I did not drink a lot at social events, but would come home afterwards and polish off a bottle of wine. Wishing you lot's of success and we are here to support you!


                  Slippery slope

                  Good luck 4MH - We are all here together.

                  Farm Girl can relate to that bottle when I get home Mr Q and I do that all the time.
                  Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment

