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ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

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    ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

    Hi guys,

    It's now Monday in Oz-land.. I thought I would start the Monday thread since I am starting from scratch again today.. so this is motivation for me - Day 1 onwards and upwards!! I have to have a "plan" on how I will avoid AL when lonely.. I know I am not the only one here who succumbs to AL when lonely.. it is difficult; but I really don't want to drink on my own - it feels so sad and wrong!!!
    Take care all, and hope everyone has a happy AF day today
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

    Thanks for starting this KatieB

    I still wonder at the fact that whilst it is Monday morning here it is still Sunday in other parts of our wonderful world.

    I am just starting day 2 again. I'm done with the drinking a bottle+ wine every night. I was so happy when I woke this morning and realised that I did not do that last night!!! I need a plan in place for when I reach the 1 month mark. That seems to be my downfall.

    I really hate this tired feeling and wasting so much time just sitting around recovering. Definitely not worth it!!

    Looking forward to an af Monday and therefore a better Tuesday!

    Sending you lots of hugs and encouragement too.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

      Hey guys....
      Sunday nite for me
      I have been at our lake house all day and AF all weekend
      back in the saddle Katie and Mazzie
      I am here for you and you can do it
      PM me any time and I will give you my number.....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

        Thank you Mazzie and MamaB,

        Only 2 hours left of work to go
        Determined not to drink at ALL this week - not at the weekend either! I need strength! I hate drinking on my own at weekends.. I need to get out there into the world and stop being afraid..
        Good luck to you both aswell :l
        Katie x
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

          Hi All,

          AD - Nothing personal. I honestly didn't see the Sunday thread other wise I would have moved over there.

          Have just got back from the movies - How to Train your Dragon! Well worth a look. Son is now deciding which dragon he would have.

          Going to hang around here for a bit then I'm going to start the evening chores and cook roast pork for dinner.

          Better go and take the L-Glut before the witching hour starts.

          Spam xx


            ODAT Monday 5th April 2010


            Yummy - roast pork! I wish I could take my son to the movies, but he's still a bit too young.. he's not quite 2 yet..
            Have to keep optimistic about being AF - i feel so much better, mentally and physically, when I don't drink.. weekends are the worse, but when I first found this place I managed to not drink at weekends, I don't know what has come over me lately!! (well, being Easter it has been particularly hard.. always difficult to admit that you are on your own over times like this..)

            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              ODAT Monday 5th April 2010


              I know what you mean! I'm almost fine not drinking on a "school" night but I find the weekends a bit of a problem. I am so tempted to go out now and get a bottle of wine - how nicely it would go with dinner.

              Anyway, I'm employing my 4 D's at the moment. Delay / Drink something else / deep breaths / do something else.

              I washed all the bed linen today, so I'd better go and put the clean stuff on before it gets late!

              How many times have we done that before? Taken off the bed linen, gone out drinking and come home to an unmade bed! Hated That!

              It won't be long before the young man can go to the movies - maybe when he's 4 or so? My son is upstairs with a friend now and they are playing on the wii. I have just said to hubby that this is a sign of things to come. It would be good to have an English house - I could close the doors then. This house is pretty much open plan apart from the bedrooms and bathrooms.

              Catch up later, everyone.



                ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                Spam;833146 wrote:
                How many times have we done that before? Taken off the bed linen, gone out drinking and come home to an unmade bed! Hated That!

                It won't be long before the young man can go to the movies - maybe when he's 4 or so? My son is upstairs with a friend now and they are playing on the wii. I have just said to hubby that this is a sign of things to come. It would be good to have an English house - I could close the doors then. This house is pretty much open plan apart from the bedrooms and bathrooms.

                Catch up later, everyone.

                Spam - LOL :H
                Yep, nothing worse than coming home to an unmade bed.. they are pains to make up in the first place, let alone after a few drinks!
                Well done with using the 4D's.. I really need to give up smoking soon and I know the 4D's are used for that too..
                As for having an English-style house.. yep, good for privacy but I do love the open-ness of Aussie homes, make the place look brighter and more inviting.. though I do have a unit and not a house at the moment.. thinking of moving to Qld actually as Syd is too darn expensive! too much so for a single mum.. I want my son to grow up in a "proper" house with a garden not a darn unit with a tiny balcony! lol :H
                Katie xx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                  Come to Brisbane!!


                    ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                    Spam - LOL!!!

                    I was actually thinking of Brissie.. or further north if I don't want to live in a city again (still not sure).. one of the smaller towns.. that way I can teach my son to scuba dive the barrier reef like I have done!
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                      Hi Guys,

                      Happy Easter and all that even if belated.

                      I haven't been around since aehmm... Thursday? My baby brother was involved in a very heavy motorbike accident Thursday night. He is doing fine now and recovering but it's been a hectic past couple of days back and forth to the hospital. Spent a lot of time in church over Easters as well and with the family off course. But here I am back again.

                      Mama, it sounds like you're doing great. Spending much more time AF and cutting down. That's fantastic.

                      How you Spam? I also went to watch how to train your dragon Saturday night with my brother in law. I must say really great movie.

                      Lovely to be back here again.
                      AF since 15th March 2010

                      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                        ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                        Hi Guys!!!

                        I hope you all had a nice Easter! I spent the day working 12 hours, but thats what I do every Easter, so no big deal. I actually got up at 6am to go to church at 8 am before work. Im glad I did, it was a great service and reminder of what Easter is about!

                        I also went to see "How to train your dragon" with my son. I am a BIG wimp and when Toothless saved Hiccup I was bawling like a little baby. I think even the grown up men in the crowd were sniffling too!

                        Hi Mama, Katie! Lets all get on our big people pants and have a good AF week shall we????
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                          Johnny....sorry to hear about your brother....hope he is ok
                          I am sunburned and tired from our day in the woods but it was so nice to be away from screaming people, piles of trash (literally, since the bill has not been paid) and other unpleasant, stressful things.....
                          the sky was so blue, and Pops (grandpa) caught an opossum in a trap and the boys had a blast taking him into the woods and letting him was he ugly.....I tried to convince them he was the Easter Bunny but they are wise teen-agers now and just rolled their eyes.....
                          topa seems to be working....i had one very dizzy and wanted no was gross...
                          watched "sherlock holmes" this weekend and thought it was stupid,but I loved "Passion of the Christ"...
                          Johhny...have you seen this
                          I have been quite snippy and irritable and sensitive but I am trying to be aware....
                          oh to work for Satan
                          Love you ALL!!!
                          mama xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                            Hey Over It My Sistah!!!!!
                            Cross Post!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              ODAT Monday 5th April 2010

                              Hi All,

                              Not far from bedtime here, so I am just rounding up.

                              AD - How are things? Have you heard about your friend?

                              Over it - I cry at most movies. I got sad when I saw Hiccough's leg after the battle.

                              Johnny - How's your brother? Hope your church gave you strength over the weekend.

                              Kaite - If you're serious about a move to QLD, let me know. House prices here dropped but are picking up again already. I am not sure how they compare to Sydney though. We're keeping an eye on the market but aren't in a position to buy yet. We still have our UK house and it's rented out for another 2 years, so we can't buy until we get rid if that.

                              As for scuba diving...another story. I wanted to do this before my son got old enough and ended up teaching swimming for 5 years. I was in pools for so many hours per week, I can't stand the smell of chlorine now. Luckily, I still like the sea. Son has snorkelled with turtles in Barbados when he was 4 and 5. He has done some "illegal" scuba diving but only in very controlled circumstances. I suppose it's now time for me to qualify. We have been to Fraser Island and Magnetic Island but we're holding back on the Reef until son is older.

                              Mama - Do you have Monday off? Glad you had a good weekend.


