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First day..

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    First day..

    Howdee all. Well it's my first day without a drink. For me i have had it. I was sober for five years, and decided to become a social drinker once again. I pulled this off for a few years suprisingly, but as life hit i hit the bottle more and more. My liver is toasted and my brain not as sharp as it was. Life is becoming a bloody mission to be honest. I have detoxed a few times using meds, but have decided to just hard ball it and hook in.

    This is my first day.. One of many to come. The day i waved bye bye to an old friend who turned on me! - Also my first post on an online forum.

    See ya all round :new:

    First day..

    Hi Bright
    I love that image of Al as a friend who has turned on you. Glad you've waved goodbye.
    Make yourself at home in here.


      First day..

      Welcome BrightNewday - great name btw! :welcome:

      Its good to hear that you are not in denial and want help.. if you have gone AF before, then you know you can do it again! This forum is a great place to start to get help with your drinking issues.. i hope you feel you can express your feelings freely and we are all here to help,
      Katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        First day..

        Hi Bright new day. I am relatively new here as well. I am finishing out day 5 without alcohol. Tuff Stuff, but I am feeling a bit better everyday. Strange good things keep happening everyday I stick it out. Best wishes, JB


          First day..

          I too will never be able to social drink. The temptation is to great. Welcome back
          Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
          And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

          • Yesterday is History
            Today is a Mystery
            Tomorrow is a GIFT


            First day..

            Hi brightnewday, welcome. I am glad that you have waved goodbye to alcohol. For me alcohol was a friend, an enemy, both. It is a sneaky, evil adversary. Read lots, write lots. There are many awesomen people here who are supportive and helpful.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              First day..

              Hi Bright New Day,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
              If you haven't already, go to the Health Store & download the MWO book - it is full of useful info to help you get started.
              Also, take a look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan.

              Feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for some support as well!

              Wishing you the best on your journey.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                First day..

                Hey all many thanks for the replies. Someone here said that good things happen every day. I agree, and for me it is evaluating each one, and watching the changes around me. Maybe i become more aware, perhaps im more aproachable. Took the kids fishing today. Felt like crap, but hey, what a bonus that i wasn't too busy to do so. Lately i allways find im too Busy - Busy being sitting inside my own head and.. bottle trying to solve lifes problems. .. Tough day yep, but wouldn't be dead for quids!. TY


                  First day..

                  Hello Bright, welcome onboard, nice to have you here. It is true that we waste so much of our lives when hiding in the bottom of a bottle. Good for you for not picking it up and spending time with those who really matter. Stick around, this is a fantastic place.
                  Keep safe
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    First day..

                    Welcome aboard Bright

                    I have been on this ship for a week now and think it is the most comforting place to be from the lonely life we lead with AL.

                    Keep sailing into that 'Bright' future that awaits us all. xx
                    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                      First day..

                      :welcome: hi bright new day. great positive name. im glad youve found us. this is a great place for support and advice.keep reading and posting, you will find it a great help. we are all here for the same reason, to beat the demon drink. we are all with you on your journey.
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        First day..

                        Day two. Thanks for the support peeps.. Rough night. Wicked dreams and sweats. paced the house half the night. Couldn't think straight went for a run.. I must have looked a sight dry wretching all the way down the street..LOL. Gotta laugh eh. Tough day today, but going to find something to make me smile, something to give, and something to achieve that i wouldn't normally achieve on a day drinking. . DTs suck, but a cold hard remider of how poisioness my previous aquaintence was...and is for me..


                          First day..

                          Bright_new_day;833068 wrote: Howdee all. Well it's my first day without a drink. For me i have had it. I was sober for five years, and decided to become a social drinker once again. I pulled this off for a few years suprisingly, but as life hit i hit the bottle more and more. My liver is toasted and my brain not as sharp as it was. Life is becoming a bloody mission to be honest. I have detoxed a few times using meds, but have decided to just hard ball it and hook in.

                          This is my first day.. One of many to come. The day i waved bye bye to an old friend who turned on me! - Also my first post on an online forum.

                          See ya all round :new:
                          I am back as well. Day 2.
                          I was doing really well moderating and someone sent me a message about how 'I lacked commitment' in my sobriety. I suddenly agreed and stopped coming to this site. The guy was calling me a hypocrite, and I felt he was right.
                          WELL, my drinking has escalated and it is not good.
                          I will not allow anyones thoughtless comments to affect me in future. I am so sensitive!

                          So Day 2.
                          I am committing to not having a drink today. And if that isn't good enough for someone out there is cyber space I am sorry, but it is the best I can do at this stage.
                          Off to the gym.
                          I hope all are well, better than I have been, and I do know that this site has been fantastic for me except for that one negative experience I allowed to get the better of me.


                            First day..

                            1967 and bright new day.. well done to you both. i cant believe you are running and gyming. thats amazing. i did nothing much the first few days. you guys have a great attitude
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              First day..

                              Hey 1967. Do whatever works for you. People are at different stages on their journey and, as much as we all want to help each other, there are times when someone who is further down the track might hinder someone's progress by wanting to shake them and say "Don't you see."
                              I've learned a lot from the sober ones, but you have to go through everything at your own pace and take it all in. If you're undecided or ambivalent, because you haven't trod the road on your own, you won't necessarily succeed by following someone else's advice. Hope it goes better for you this time.

