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Day 6

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    Day 6

    9:37 am, Monday here. Still sober. I have an hour and a half before work. I have some irritability. I am not used to this much time in the morning before work. usually I'm hung over and nursing my hangover requires all this extra time. Now I'm up at 6:30am and I want to get on with the day. So I want to vent at my crappy working schedule I created for myself, but I know I need to just take it asy.
    Hillsidetime- I made it through Easter dinner, although it was uncomfortable. A few hours into it, with all the boring sitting around with distant family members watching them drink their wine and beer I had to just jet out of there. I say distant, even though they are my 2 sisters and their families, we're just not that close.

    I have this sponsor thing going on. A. I have this guy who has been my sponsor on and off for the past few years. He's 30 years sober and has great wisdom concerning the basics. I've been telling him I want to do this 4 week 12 thing he's been doing, which starts up again the end of this week. It's a 4 week thing and each week you go through 3 steps, then it starts all over again.
    Next though is this interesting situation which popped up this weekend. Easter morning as I'm down at my parents (2 hours away) I find an open speaker meeting. This guy befriends me and we talk recovery and I tell him my story in brief and he tells me how the steps changed his life and he's been sober over a year and a half now. And he's getting married in a few months. (I'm single and would love the same, so it was evidence of good things happening in this guys live via sobriety and the steps.) So he wants to recruit me as a sponsee even though we're in another state.
    I like the idea of something new, with someone new, and his recovery seems solid with the steps and big book.
    I cannot do both though.
    I tell this new guy that I at least want to chat somemore so we know a bit more about each other before any decision is made.
    My old sponsor knows me and all my issues, but as we have worked together there are some core beleifs that snag the progress.
    So I feel like I want to feel this guy out and see if his approach will encompass my issues.
    I just want to go back to bed and not deal with life today.
    I just started back on this antidepressant last week (the beginning of this sobriety) and it makes me tired as all heck. I consider getting off the stuff, but I also am afraid of relapse. So earlier I was telling myself to just stay on it and get at least 2 weeks sobriety together and then see.
    It's 10am and I am burned out already.

    Day 6

    Hi Beanzy,

    Just wanted to say a quick "Hello" and see how you are doing? I hope still AF and I hope it is getting a bit easier for you??? Please update soon ok?

    I just wanted to say that I failed at this trying to get sober game for years. Then one day, it just clicked and worked for me. Rather hard to explain in some ways, but I hope that this is YOUR time, and you do not have to waste the years in the unhappiness like I did.

    Yes, try to get to two weeks!!!! As I have told you before, once I got that kind of time in, I just magically stopped drinking. Yep, just like that. I did have one MAJOR BIG slip, but that was the kick in my ass that said "Shit... Why you wanna do this again???"

    Been happily sober ever since. My goal is to never return to that place again.

    You can do it Beanzy, I have all the faith in you. I really do And is life better sober for me??? HELL YES!!!!!



      Day 6

      Hi Beanzy!
      How are you doing today? Keep us posted :l
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Day 6

        Hey Beanzy, your story of the Easter dinner is the same as mine. I peeled out like a rocket as soon as I could. We both made it through! The mornings are pretty special when sober, I agree. I don't know about the sponsors and programs you speak of, but keep us posted so we can learn a new aspect of staying sober. I mirror what overit says, strive for 14 days. My second weekend was hard. The live chat on this site helped a great deal. Have a great and sober week.
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          Day 6


          I have not posted to you yet. Well done on 6 days AF. One more day and that is a week go for it.

          QQ x
          Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


            Day 6

            beanzy, :goodjob: on 6 days AF! I hope everthing works out with choosing a sponser.
            I think you will adjust to the anti-depressant, just give it some time. Everything you are feeling is completely normal and will get better. I wish you all the best!

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)

