The high I was experiencing the first couple of weeks AF has disappeared. Yesterday was the worst- all I wanted was to have some wine with the lamb dinner I made. Thinking about never being able to drink again put me into a major funk, to the point where I wondered if moderation might be possible.
Adding to the funk was my disappointment with Allen Carr's "Easy way to quit drinking" book...I really tried to keep an open mind while reading it, but so far, it seems full of stupid analogies and false statements which he repeats chapter after chapter. For example, he compares his laptop computer to the fragile human body and recalls that the first day he had his computer, somebody spilled liquor on the key board, sending the computer to the shop for repairs- and he wondered at how many times had he willingly poured toxic alcohol down his throat? As if pouring a pure, refreshing glass of water or healthy vitamin drink on his keyboard wouldn't have done the same thing...
I'm not finished with the book yet, but I don't have high hopes for the ending.
I'm going to head out to the library to find some more books to occupy my time- having reading material seems crucial to my happiness at this time. Reading takes me out of my head until bedtime- the people at the library must wonder why I'm such a voracious reader all of a sudden, LOL!
Anyway, thanks for listening...I'll try to put on my big-girl pants now.
