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Being part of society..

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    Being part of society..

    There are some really interesting points in this forum. Katie, I share in your feeling like an "outcast". I believe for me it stemmed from being so unpopular in school. I was not attractive by any means and being the sixth child of immigrants to the US, I didn't have the cutsey clothes and of course my parents didn't speak English, so yea~ I was an outcast. As I grew older, alcohol gave me the liquid courage I needed to talk to people, especially in the night club setting! Suddenly, I got popular ~ the problem is that I never really put enough effort into the firendships I was able to make and today, I really do not have any friends. Well friends that I can call to go to a movie, or dinner, or anything like that. I have my sister and family, but somehow its not the same.

    I also can relate to what you said about carrying around anger and grudges. I have that too and I am also working on a way to release that anger and truly forgive so that I can forgive myself.

    Sometimes I think it would be nice to share phone numbers and form some telephone friendships, I don't know if that is part of the MWO etiquette, but I kind of like the idea of having someone to talk too even if it is just for a quick inspirational minute or to help someone get past the craving moment... just a thought! =0)



      Being part of society..

      I think some people here have swapped phone numbers, and even met up in person! - there are no "rules" as far as I am aware for this.. I think you just PM someone and go from there.. though obviously its down to personal choice to give your phone number to someone.. I may do this in the future.. met so many great people on here..
      Thank you again for everyone's words of support.. I need to learn to trust again, but at the same time be strong.. in the past I always took overdoses or attempted suicide when falling out with friends, and one relationship break-up pushed me to the edge.. but I feel much stronger now.. I know to be happy in life, you have to "let go" a little.. I need to do this to be able to have fulfilling relationships (friendships and in the future, another "intimate" relationship) with people.. I always found it easier to "hate" (myself and others) - for to love, was taking a risk.. a risk I never felt strong enough to take.. I always pushed boyfriends away - I would chase a man, then once he was "hooked", I would push him away - the moment anyone, friends and boyfriends, showed they liked me, I would push them away and retreat into my shell.. its funny, I tried so hard to be liked. or loved - but when I was - I would push people away! makes no sense!! But now, I am determined to change.. thanks to all you great people, and my therapist.. plus I am reading self-help books.. my son has also taught me to love unconditionally..
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


