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Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

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    Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

    Hi Mama bear,
    Sounds like you and your family are under a lot of pressure at the moment
    and that your pressure cooker exploded last night.

    Moderation can leave the door open for a bender.
    Better rid of the booze altogether in my book.
    When I say to myself 'just one', I don't mean a glass, I mean a bottle (at least!).
    So, I am better off just saying a flat 'no'.

    Good on you for making the decision to put your AF date 'out there'. We'll support you!!
    Your husband sounds like a great guy.
    Here's to an AF April!

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

      mama bear, I think that's a really big step forward to realize that you cannot drink. To take the issue of whether or not to drink and if so, when or not to quit is so all consuming for some. I'm with DG in that I cannot ever drink safely. Ever. And my life is so much easier for it. Truly.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

        Mama Bear,
        It is wonderful that you are able to sit down and work things through as you have just done during what is such a stressful time for you. With your husband supporting you, and you helping him, you will get through this together as a team, as a family.
        I truly hope all goes well for you and your situation gets better.
        Be gentle to yourself,


          Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

          I also applaud you for coming out of denial, and admitting your problem to yourself, and to us.. you know we are here for you..
          Sorry to hear about your horrible job and financial woes - a lot of people turn to AL to deal with these kinds of issues, so you are far from being alone in this.. being under financial pressure is a terrible strain on anyone, it is so stressful and hard to be happy - especially when there are bills to be paid left right and centre! Have you thought about getting some kind of professional accountant to help sort out your accounts? (though I am not sure about this one, i dont know if they end up charging too much, or whether your accounts can be helped..)
          At least you know, after last night that AL does not help at all, but makes everything seem worse - as despite the stressors you have, at least you have your family - though AL has not helped with this, and led to problems and confrontations.. AL is numbing at first and seems to work.. but it does cause more stress and caused you to fall out with your family.. AL does not help at all.. we are here for you.. we know you are a strong woman and can get through this without AL,
          Katie xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

            Mamabear, you have been a source of comfort and support for a lot of people since you have joined this site.


              Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

              Hi Mama Bear
              Just to let you know that Im thinking about you. Its so easy to fall into the bottle when things get tough, for a few moments it gives such a relief. Im pretty sure I would do the same if I was in your shoes so please dont be too hard on yourself, it wont help. Sounds like you have an amazing husband and Im sure he must see how hard your trying, so forget yesterday and look to tomorrow and know your supported, even by people like me, who barely know you. Good luck with it all, God has a funny way of pulling us through when we ask for help x


                Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                Sorry about all this.
                Just get back up, dust yourself off an start again.


                  Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                  You all are amazing and to those of that PM'd me thanks so much and I will be there for you as well. The family is meeting for a Mexican dinner and then I am falling into bed as my ridiculous antics of last night have worn me out. I never thought abunch of recovering alcoholics would become some of my dearest friends( and I am NOT being ugly!), but you have all come mean so much to me and your support is invaluable.
                  (Jan) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                    Dear Mama Bear,

                    You have always supported me and the rest of us here. You are a bright, beautiful and intelligent person inside and out. My wish for you is to find a new job that gives you fulfillment for which you richly deserve, and your sobriety foremost. I will join you in being AF tomorrow. You are going through some of the worst of stressful times, and we are here for you in the good, bad and the ugly. I always search for your posts because your support has always meant so much to us, and YOU are always watching out for other it's OUR turn.



                      Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                      mama bear, I am so sorry for your sadness today. I have read many of your posts and I know you have the strength within you to overcome all that is going on in your life. Everyone here cares so much about you and your well being ~ don't let that bastard "alcohol" win, keep reading and posting and know that we are here for you!



                        Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                        mama bear;834118 wrote: I never thought abunch of recovering alcoholics would become some of my dearest friends( and I am NOT being ugly!), but you have all come mean so much to me and your support is invaluable.
                        (Jan) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
                        Jan - Thank you for putting into words the way I feel. I am so thankful for finding this place and all the amazing people that have become my friends. :l:l:lGet some good rest and we will be here.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                          Mama Bear,

                          I think when we finally hit that low point we should accept it as a blessing!
                          It is over & done with you move forward! Drinking is no longer an option for you. Accept that now & your life will get easier. All of your problems won't disappear but you will be able to deal with them intelligently & with a clear head.
                          I am very sorry that you have so much to deal with right now but drinking doesn't ever make anything better.

                          You will be in my thoughts & prayers!
                          Wishing you the best!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                            Hi Mama,

                            Just reading this now as I have been working all day too. Im sure you had a rough day, its good your husband is being nice and understanding. Your lucky for that at least

                            Your not alone in your financial struggles, Im there too. Im currently trying to get a loan modification, but its a huge hassle and taking months and months. Honestly every month its a struggle to make ends meet.

                            Financially, I am on the edge too, and yes, it is stressful and it sucks! I worry about my little boy and our future alot.

                            The best way I can handle these life issues and struggles is to try my best to stay sober. Its a struggle every day.

                            I hope your feeling better by now, and you know I am wishing you the strength to get through these times. Remember, these too shall pass!!!

                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                              Sorry for what you're going through, Mama Bear. Financial worries are no fun, as I know. But if you can use it to get motivated to stop altogether that's great news. I'm coming round to that idea myself. Somebody on another thread said "It's not easy, but it's not that hard either." I think if you're ambivalent about the decision, you're sunk.
                              You are always a funny. loving support for people and that is all the more worthy because you are going through so much yourlself.


                                Mama Bear Has A Confession to Make

                                Morning Mama(Jan)
                                Hope you wake up feeling brighter today. I agree with Dancingon, financial worries are a bummer and so many folks have them at the moment unfortunately, but I love the quote 'it's not easy, but it's not that hard either', its true and if you have made the decision to get rid of the booze altogether it is like one less worry, a pain in the neck, but one less worry.
                                Thinking of you
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

