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ODAT, Wed 8th April

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    ODAT, Wed 8th April

    Goodmorning/Evening ODAT Buddies

    Hope I'm ok starting this thread today, I noticed nobody had began one and I really like them. I'm just popping in for a quickie, got to start work soon!!

    How are you all doing well today - Spam Katie Johnnie Overit Another Day Mama Bear and anybody else I have not mentioned (sorry!!) - will check back later to read all your news

    Bye for now - Have a great day

    P x
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

    ODAT, Wed 8th April

    Hi Panno:imlonely:what about me??? (only joking hehe!). Good to have someone on the same time-line! I am also heading off to work in a few minutes so just saying hello to everyone and hope its a lovely happy AF sunny (it is sunny here in Dublin wow!) day for all and will check in tonight after work
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      ODAT, Wed 8th April

      Hi Panno and Mollyka,

      Day 3 over and out for me.. it's evening here now so I know I won't be drinking today.. I worked then picked up my little boy from daycare.. have the day off tomorrow (until 7pm anyway..) so going to take my boy to the park and feed the ducks.. I am already dreading the weekend, and the temptations.. I will make sure I come on here to get some support!
      Take care all,
      Katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        ODAT, Wed 8th April

        Hey Over It Family....I am crawling out of bed looking like like Medusa with rhinocerous breath....eeeewwww.....feeling better and much loved by all off you.....i simply cannot believe how wonderful you all are....
        Panno thanks for starting the thread....i missed it yesterday too
        where is my spamalarm????
        be strong molly...remember the movie.....The Unsinkable Molly Brown? that should be your new motto
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          ODAT, Wed 8th April

          Hi All,

          Another good day here. I LOVE the school hols even though the young man gets up far too early. When hubby leaves for work at 8 am, they bring up coffee and son hops into bed for a chat before I get up.

          We started today off with a 5km walk (son on his rip-stick) and we've been playing all day. Sod the chores! This evening, we grabbed a Spike Milligan poetry book and were reading silly poems together. (I love Spike Milligan.) By this point, my 5ft tall son was sitting on my lap! Long may it continue.

          Sorry for not getting you up, Mama. You sounded like you needed a rest. Also, I am not too sure how people will feel if one of the Aussies always starts this thread every day. (Hang On...Katie and I aren't Aussies!) I think Katie and I are around first, followed by Johnny in SA a few hours later. I'm happy to let someone else do it and catch up later.

          Mama - Time for you to be SELFISH now. You've done so much here already. Time to look after you. How are you getting on? Any chance of looking around for another job?

          Will be up for a while yet, so may catch up later. I am going to ask a Topamax question on the medications sections, if you want to have a read. Katie, as a nurse, I would aprreciate your comments.

          Spam xx


            ODAT, Wed 8th April

            Happy Hump Day!!!!

            I like this thread as well, its nice to do a quick check in to see how everyone is coming along, and for us to keep close! I think we have proven over and over that we need each other in many ways and its nice to be able to have this convenience to come here whenever we need it.

            Sounds like your doing much better Mama Bear! Thats great. May I ask what you want to do from here on out? Just curious if you want to stop completely or what you think might be best for you now. You will get there.

            Hey Panno, Molly, Katie, Spam... Hope you have a blessed day as well.

            Im still going strong, can you believe it????

            I had that one MAJOR SLIP on my sons birthday March 24. It was a BAD one. I think that was the kick in my ass to stop, or at least it seems to be.

            The first time I got my 30 days I was so HIGH on life all the time. It was really weird. Now I seemed to have just balanced out, and Im glad. I was actually TOO HAPPY, it was freaking me out.

            Catch ya later! Have a good day,



              ODAT, Wed 8th April

              Spamalicious......that makes u sound sexy!!!!
              I have applied for every job in my field that comes up, but nothing has stuck yet.....
              i will look for your Topa post....I am taking me if you have questions
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                ODAT, Wed 8th April

                Still not done the Topa much to read here.

                For all the English here....Hubby has just switched over to UKTV and I have caught the end of Eastenders and it's a Christmas one. Some guy was threatening to sell "The Vic" and then collapsed after Bradley hit him!

                Haven't watched Eastenders in years!

                Casualty is my only other vice these days.


                  ODAT, Wed 8th April

                  Hey girls any suggestions on how to drop a dress size in 10 days lol!!! I'm off on my hols and just passed the office window showing my reflection aaaggghhh!!!! I'm really looking forward to the break, we are off to Kilkenny for 4 days on the 16th of this month, flight booked to Dublin but no accommodation yet we are going to take a chance, hoping to get lots of walking and sight seeing done. Then when we get back we fly off to Morrocco for a beach holiday - now this one scares me slightly - sun, sea and NO BOOZE!! Will have to have a good plan ready
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    ODAT, Wed 8th April

                    Don't know where you're upto on the AF battle but I am losing a bucket load of weight just drinking less.

                    But I don't like sweets either. Hubby bought me flowers at Easter. I must be one of the only ones who didn't eat chocolate over Easter. I just don't like it.

                    Also, I don't really like rice or bread. As English people, we're brought up with carbs on our plate but we don't need them. A dinner of lean meat and veg or salad is fine. (But it's hot here.) If it's cold there what about casseroles but without the dumplings and potatoes? If the family want them, add them later.

                    I can take or leave potatoes but I love pasta. So just keep the carbs small and early in the day if you want them.

                    It needs to be long term.

                    Enjoy the holiday without a red nose, flushed face, headache, diarohea and vomiting.

                    And I always tell myself, I have a flabby belly for the best reason in the world - pregnancy! Although I was lighter than this when I had son 10 years ago!

                    I'm off on a big hol in June and working towards being AF. I'm not sure if that is possible at this short time but I hope I can only drink small amounts.

                    Spam xx


                      ODAT, Wed 8th April

                      Also, I always wear board shorts on the beach to cover the upper thighs!

                      And the waves here can rip your bikini bottoms off. (That has only happened to me once.)


                        ODAT, Wed 8th April

                        How much weight have you lost Spam???

                        I have lost about 12 pounds in 5 weeks. I have been working at it very, very hard!!

                        I eat like a damn bird, and working out 5 times a week at least. I run with my dog first thing in the morning. I love doing that, its a great way to start the day. Oh, and NO BOOZE!!!!

                        Keep up the good work!!!!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT, Wed 8th April

                          About 6 kgs (a stone??) in 2 months but I am still drinking twice a week.


                            ODAT, Wed 8th April

                            Hi guys,

                            I'm not sure how everyone feels about those of us in Oz (not Aussies, all of us in Oz.. lol, quite a few British ex-pats end up living in Oz!) starting ODAT threads.. but I go to bed early so my day is often over by the time someone on the other side of the world starts it.. though I don't start one every day..
                            Overit - one way I lost heaps of my baby weight (apart from stress lol) - was walking everywhere - though this is due to the fact I don't have a car.. but when me and my ex separated and he wasnt there to drive me everywhere, I have to walk everywhere now.. but I lost so much weight doing this.. with losing weight, you basically have to burn off more calories than you consume.. so exercise is the real key - if you burn off more than you consume, you can generally eat what you like - though obviously it would take more exercise to burn off a Big Mac than a banana.. but I do find walking is a great exercise - normally when you would have drove somewhere, try walking instead if possible..
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


