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The Worst Thing

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    The Worst Thing

    What is the worst thing you "woke up to" the morning after a binge? I know we've all (most of us) had blackouts and done things we are embarrassed/ashamed about. I just thought that maybe sharing our stories would be a good reminder of what we never have to go through again.
    One night I spent over an hour on Facebook talking crap about all my my BOSS. I didn't even remember doing it until she pulled me aside the next day and said "Were you drinking last night?". I was so embarrassed, I still don't know exactly what all I said...ugh.
    Thanks for sharing your stories.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

    The Worst Thing

    Ugh. I sent a really harsh email to a friend of mine who was wallowing in a dead-end relationship and venting to me about it. I was way more judgmental and critical than I would have been sober. I can't believe I hit "send". The next morning, I woke up with a sick "oh my god, did I really do what I think I did" feeling, checked my "sent" items and cringed my ass off all day. The worst part of it was that I maintained my hardline position with her because I couldn't admit to her that I was drunk when I sent it.


      The Worst Thing

      I woke one morning after really bad fight with hubby over guess what of course my drinking, he was fuming and I was lying, 'no I'm not drinking again bla de bla de bla'. He went to go off in the car when I remembered a boot load of empty vodka bottles that I was meant to bring to bottle bank the day before and forgot ooooooooooh I cringe even now as I remember him opening the boot of that car!!!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        The Worst Thing

        I could make a very long list of all the stupid things I did while drunk. I drank on the job and jeapardized that. When I was single I was promiscuous at times. I've drunk dialed, drunk cussed people out, drunk e-mailed, you name it.

        The worst thing I ever did while drunk, and I did it many many times, was seriously consider suicide because I saw nothing to live for in my viscious cycle of hopeless drinking and endless hangovers.

        I will never forget that.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          The Worst Thing

          My list could go on and on also (if I could remember it all).
          -I've slept with men that I wouldn't have even talked to if I were sober. I can't even remember (or maybe I'm blocking out) everyone I've slept with.
          -I've yelled, screamed, cussed and acted like a complete IDIOT more times than I can remember.
          -I've driven drunk countless 2 DUI's about 10 years ago.
          -I've ruined friendships, relationships, and family ties because I was a drunken ass.
          -I've called in sick to work, or come in hung over, feeling like I was about to die. I've come to work and gone home sick because I know I had alcohol poisoning.
          -I've said "never again"....thousands of times.
          -I've woken up at 3am wondering why I am voluntarily killing myself.
          -I've looked at my beautiful daughter and imagined her step-mother helping her into her wedding dress (in the future), and get sad knowing that should be ME.

          ....I don't ever want to be this person again. That's not who I am.

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            The Worst Thing

            Waking up in ICU (3- days later), from a overdose of Xanex...

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              The Worst Thing

              runningwind - I also woke up in ICU after overdosing on Xanax! geez.. so scary,
              I have woken up after binges in terrible states.. once I remember waking up with mud all in my bed after a fell down a ditch the night before..
              Not good.. dont ever want to be drunk again..
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                The Worst Thing

                Too many to remember but one that does stick out for being in my top ten most shameful moments.....
                I went to a hens night years ago. Was smoking drugs and drinking. Blacked out pretty early. Next morning woke up next to a guy I had never seen before with bruises all over my body. Not only did I have to deal with the whole "stranger next to me" situation, I had to find out how I got covered in bruises. (I had apparently been dancing on a table and the table broke). I was living in a very small town at this time so had to face alot of my spectators for a lonnnnggg time.
                This is just one of many episodes I had whilst in a blackout.

                This is also why I DONT DRINK ANY MORE AND NEVER WILL!

                Thanks K9.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  The Worst Thing

                  I ripped a bedroom door off it's hinges and proceeded to ram it through my front door.
                  Furniture lying all over the place like so much matchwood.
                  I've broken knuckles and wrists punching walls and had to go to A&E days later to have them re-set.
                  I was occasionally violent but not to other people, they just had to try and restrain me and it was a horrible and very frightening time for them all. My abuse of alcohol sometimes turned me into some sort of demented Incredible Hulk, without a thought for anything or anyone else. I'm not at all like that normally. I hated what I had become and so did a lot of other people, but I had it in my head that I was that person and nothing would change.


                    The Worst Thing

                    Oh so many times I remember, one of the worst was last summer- I got in a fight with my husband after drinking tons of Vodka and wine. The next morning I woke up knowing we had said some of the most horrible things, but I couldn't remember what they were. I felt sick for days.

