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ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

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    ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

    Hello everyone,
    It's now midday here in the land of Oz..
    Took my son to a lovely park this morning.. he had a great play with the other children and going down the slide.. I can't believe he turns 2 in one month.. now I am not drinking I can concentrate on making the most of him and this age - though he is trying at times, he is a great joy - they grow up so fast..
    I cannot believe it now but it was not so long ago I used to drink all afternoon on my day's off on Thursday and Fridays.. to avoid people and avoid social situations.. I would isolate myself in my flat with my son and drink.. so pleased I don't do that anymore! I just have to keep getting out there and trying.. for mine and my son's sakes.. it is so much more rewarding getting out there.. most people are nice, and are happy to chat.. I just need to keep trying with my confidence and positive self-talk.. hope everyone has a great AF day today!
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

    Good morning Katie and all to come

    You are right to enjoy your son now Katie, they do grow up so fast. I cannot believe that my oldest daughter wil soon be 18! The one regret I have is that I did not stop drinking 10 years ago or more ago.

    I have visitors for another few days so am getting very little computer time. Am remaining AF though so thats the main thing.

    Have a great day everyone.



      ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

      You sound happy and positive today, Katie. Your little boy is your future for sure, not the bottle. Enjoy your freedom. :goodjob:


        ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

        my al mind

        Morning Katie and Rusto

        Glad to hear you enjoying your son, its a great feeling so wish mine were still little.

        Rusto - hope you enjoying your visitors they will sure keep you busy.

        Well I have to say I had a drink last night, and the worrying thing is I instigated it - I rang an x colleague to catch up - I knew exactly what I was doing I was making her my alibi just so I could have that drink. So I'm back to day 1 again!!

        This is just a quickie to get it off my chest - I will come back later I have a busy day today at work.

        Hope you all have a good day and hello to all who check in later.

        Luv P x
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

          Hello Family
          Katie you sound so strong and happy
          hey panno...just one??? no biggie
          mornin rustop and dancingon
          I am doing fine.....but the cravings were SO strong yesterday....damn near killed
          hi to everyone to checks in later...
          mama jan
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

            Hi All,

            Just off to bed - AF!

            I love being able to WALK up the stairs, TIPTOE into my son's room to give him a kiss and then go to bed without falling everywhere, bashing into things and knocking things over.

            It was a big of a struggle this evening, even with the L-Glut.

            It's so hot today and our air-con has broken down! How I fancied an ice cold glass of wine to cool down! I decided that a glass of water would be better.

            I'm off for a weekend away with the family, so will read in the morning and catch up on Sunday.

            Spam xx


              ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010


              I am STILL trying to figure out how much 6kgs (almost a stone) means!!!! LOL!

              How much would that be in pounds???? I even did a search to figure it out and still could not.

              I "thought" about drinking last night too! I came kinda close, but then just thought... Do I really want to do this??? The answer in my heart was NO.

              Have a good day everyone, I will catch up later as well.


                ODAT Thursday 8th April 2010

                I am so proud of you guys.......this beast really has hold of us, huh???
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem

