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    This is unfortunate to tell, but I didn't make it past 6 days. I am sober now as it is morning and I have to go to work in a little while. I just feel like I can't do it. I was SO mentally and emotionally crazy when 6 days AF. I don't know what to do.
    The old get back on the horse thing is old to me now. I have been relapsing and trying to get sober for so long.


    Ditto Beanzy

    Never get passed 3 days - so managing 4 days for me is brill and with wine in the house. Now on day 5 have to get through the evening. Know what I AM going to do it and so can you. Six days is fantastic cannot remember the last time I went 6 days without AL and I am talking years. Next time maybe you will relapse after the seventh, maybe you won't - Rome was not built in a day. You can do it we are all climbing this hill and every day we leave AL in its bottle is a victory for us.

    Take care and don't beat yourself up x
    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment




      The decision is yours of course but if you really want to live a sober life you can!
      Sit down & have a look at your plan. Recognize your triggers & decide ahead of time how you can handle them. Think of HALT. Do you drink when you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? How can you handle these situations differently?
      Gather together the things that give you pleasure & make you happy - a good book, a hobby, a good friend. Get rid of the negative thinking, it will hold you back. Picture a future of pure freedom to do as you please, no guilt or remorse, hangover over free, a good bit of extra money in your pocket

      Jump back on board & back into the Newbies Nest!!
      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        Lav is right...also, tell your sponsor what happened, beanzy. I bet he has some advice for you. Keep trying.



          Beanzy, it has happened to all of us. Lav is right - the biggest thing to keep in mind is what are your triggers and how to deal with them without AL. Hardest part for me was at night, what to do, how to relax. I am learning not to overthink it - it helps. Stay strong!



            Hey Beanzy, don't be too hard on yourself, we have all walked down the same road as you many times. For me, (because of my drinking) it took me being within an inch of losing my kids, my wife, - I had already scewed up enough to humiliate myself in my community, maybe alter promotion in work - to finally send me past the six day mark. I wrote that I was a cat with no lives left. I sincerely wish you, and anyone, never have to live through what I did in order to make it past that first week- don't walk in my shoes. For me it was simply a matter of time before I had to select drinking or my family and home and health.

            The other thing I have noticed is that, our perception is our own and correct, however alchohol creates an illusion. It makes us think things that are not true. Hang in there you can do it.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



              Hey Beanzy,
              I know how you feel. I have been there and done that many a time.
              Don't give up.
              Think about all the negatives of drinking and the positives of being sober.
              It has taken me four years to get to a place mentally, where I am not even entertaining the thought of a drink. I KNOW I would not stop at one. I would want to get seriously pissed and I would carry on. It is not an option for me.
              You can get there too.

              Sober since 30/06/10



                beanzy, don't let the saying of, get back on the horse ever get old!!! That is the alcohol talking to you, so it can have you back... Stay strong.

                runningwind :h
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)



                  Hang in there Beanzy. You'll get there. Come and visit us in the nest again. With Mama and Coco around, you'll be laughing so much you wont have time to think about drinking.
                  Take care.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

