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Starting again tomorrow

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    Starting again tomorrow

    I have had a really bad week. Last weekend I went a way with a group of girlfriends celebrating one of them's 40th birthday, drinking til 2.00am.

    I have drank very night after. Last night went to a party, was last one to leave. I have a large bruise on my head where I fell off my chair. I am really disgusted in myself.

    I want to abstain completely with a goal of Christmas.

    I'm worried about withdrawel symptoms that seem to kick in about day 3 or 4 where I have anxiety attacks so bad that I cant write or drive. It tends to happen in a stressful situation, like in a meeting at work or driving. Anyone else get this


    Starting again tomorrow


    don't know about the anxiety attacks as have never got to day 3 and 4 of abstaining! like you, i've had a bad weekend, went on a conference on thursday - said i'd stay off the booze but didn't, ended up talking gibberish to people i wanted to be sober for, missed breakfast and spent the following day feeling awful.... i'm hoping that i'll get some inspiration from this site and have in a way because you realise it's not just you that behaves like a total idiot. how's your bruise?


      Starting again tomorrow


      Its actually quite good as a reminder as to what drink can do to you.:H



        Starting again tomorrow

        I know! i've torn very nice dresses, strained ligaments and once was very sick down a new boyfriends shirt.... vowed that i'd never drink again after that and here i am.....


          Starting again tomorrow

          What's worrying me is a friend rang earlier to ask if I got home ok. She said I was last seen heading off into the night determined to walk home (about 7 miles) and this was 3.30am. I can't remember how I got home!!:upset: I think I must have flagged a taxi but I just can't remember.

          Its 8.00pm in the evening here. Its that time of night when the wine bottles start calling you. Managed to resist so far, but they're getting louder.


            Starting again tomorrow

            I'd like to give you some words of encouragement about not opening the bottle but i've already opened mine, i think i'm a lost case - it's a bit worrying about you setting off to walk home on your own at that time in the morning though as you really could have ended up in more trouble than just a bruise on your head!


              Starting again tomorrow

              I know. I'm 38 years old with 2 kids, I ought to know better.
              I think the only reason I haven't gone for a bottle is because I only have white in (cheap plonk I got free form indian takeaway) and I'm a red wine fan.

              I am going to have to have some later as I had so much last night i struggle to sleep otherwise. I just hope I can keep to a few galsses.



                Starting again tomorrow

                Day 3 alchohol free. Woo hoo!


                  Starting again tomorrow

                  Nice one cheeks! I have had soo many bruieses over the years, ended up in hospital a few times too, cracked ribs, broken wrist, almost cracking my head open after falling down the stairs, not exactly how I hoped to turn out I can tell you, it makes me hate myself even more when I think about it, yet I continue to drink .. catch 22 eh ...


                    Starting again tomorrow

                    Hi Toby,

                    still got the bruise is coming out nicely - nice mustard yellow colour with a hint of brown - lovely:H

                    Caved in and had 3 small glasses of wine last night. Then the box ran out.

                    Its nearly that time agin 10.30 in evening when my hubby comes home from works and gets the wine out. Its really hard to resist.

                    I have to think possitive that I have gone 7 full days alcolhol free in the last 3 weeks and that is more than I have done in 7 years years.

                    See you later

                    :h Cheeks:h


                      Starting again tomorrow

                      You guys are hanging in there, keep going, you can all do it....Your stories inspire and strengthen me!:l


