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Has anyone quit this way before?

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    Has anyone quit this way before?

    long story short I tried quitting many many times.... this time I'm actually
    more willing to do it....

    My last drink was monday night I had about 4beers and passed out
    the weekend was a huge binge to say the least.... since then I've been
    taking half miligram of lorazepam a day to fight the withdrawals
    and I am also on anti-depressants which helps a lot with the anxiety..

    my question would be when is it safe to stop taking lorezepam
    how long do withdrawals typically take?

    last night I tried going to bed without taking the pill but I was agitated
    started getting sweaty and was restless...

    thanks in advance..

    Has anyone quit this way before?

    Hi bugz, and welcome! Congratulations on your decision to quit. You won't regret it! Not knowing much about you, I'd guess that you'd be out of the woods by a week. But not necessarily so relative to sleep. Sleep can be elusive for a while.

    Can you share a bit about what things you are taking doing to help restore your health? Like diet and exercise, lots of water, supplements.... that sort of thing. Have you got a plan? Many have words of wisdom to share and a little more info would be helpful.

    Best of luck to you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Has anyone quit this way before?

      Hi bugz,

      Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
      When I quit I just quit, no meds, not even any supplements. I felt pretty 'off' for about a week then gradually started to feel better. Sleep is still a problem for me but that is nothing new. I had sleep problems long before I started to drink heavily. I'm trying to handle that now with herbal supplements.
      For now a good diet, lots of water, some exercise & whatever supplements you choose should help you out a lot.

      Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for support

      Wishing you the best on your journey!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Has anyone quit this way before?

        hi bug,congratulation,forever is a long time,but i do wish you well, as far as the withdrawl from Al,ive found about a week and you start seeeing the light,it never ends,the feelings,and thats ok,as far as the meds,the ones you speak of ive been on ,and many more,there to lightin the load,at 1st,then you have to come off them,dont drink with them,then it becomes really difficult,addiction is like a merry go round,think about it,gyco


          Has anyone quit this way before?

          Hi Bugz, glad you found this place, lot's of support. You'll start feeling better in a week or two, just focus on taking care of yourself (lots of water, try to exercise).


            Has anyone quit this way before?

            well I've been drinking for lets say 10 years give or take.... really heavy
            in the last 3 years... this is where I realized i needed to stop I moved
            from beer to whiskey (straight) sometimes finishing almost an entire 750ml bottle
            waking up only 5 or 6 hours later needing more just to function....

            I've tried stopping so many times it's not even funny.... I have a huge amount
            of anxiety when I stop and I've had quite a few panic attacks which are not

            this past weekend really made me think... I was at a friend's and around 10 people
            or so were there..... some of them have turned into suck hardcore drinkers
            I do not know how they function.... all in all I am sick of it all.... the blackouts
            drinking alone or with people..... the entire thing just sickens me....

            what sickens me the most is that it's so hard to stop... and for that it is nearly
            impossible to stop without some withdrawal meds... I have tried
            in the last year and all I was accomplishing was staying up all night sweating
            going to work on no sleep.... then drinking the next day just so I can sleep...

            It's an endless nightmare...

            What supplements work for you guys? I've read B100 vitamin is good
            lots of what I know about... but what do I do about the sleeping?

            thanks for support guys..

            I've reached almost 24 hours since the last time I took my last lorazepam
            I have no shakes and no anxiety at the moment.... but I don't think I can
            sleep..... ugh

            sorry if I'm rambling on..... it's stressfull loll


              Has anyone quit this way before?

              Gyco;835190 wrote: hi bug,congratulation,forever is a long time,but i do wish you well, as far as the withdrawl from Al,ive found about a week and you start seeeing the light,it never ends,the feelings,and thats ok,as far as the meds,the ones you speak of ive been on ,and many more,there to lightin the load,at 1st,then you have to come off them,dont drink with them,then it becomes really difficult,addiction is like a merry go round,think about it,gyco
              i know not to drink with the meds... thats how all the celebrities die!



                Has anyone quit this way before?

                Bugz, I think it's great that you feel all right without the meds now. Sleep disturbance is sort of an individual thing. Here's my 2 cents. Download the Roberta Jewel's My Way Out book from the top of the page for $12. It will give you a lot of information about how to get yourself back on even keel. We really hammered our bodies with alcohol and it has to recover and restore depeltions. You should deffinately consider the supplements. People have mixed feelings about the CDs. I found them to be a good relaxation tool. Actually I usually fell asleep listening. There is all kinds of info about natural sleep aids on the internet. And here. Exercise will help you there too, not to mention the help of the endorphins.

                Take a look through these two threads. You need a plan and tools to implement it.


                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Has anyone quit this way before?


                  It's normal to have disturbed sleep after stopping AL and/or sedatives. I really hate that bit but it does settle down - took me around 7 days but that included 2 days in bed getting over the initial sickness/weakness associated with hangovers etc. If your coming off the meds I would probably think you would settle down in 3-4 days.

                  Another reason not to drink again as it would put you back at square one, having to go through it all.


                    Has anyone quit this way before?

                    Bugz, do you drink 'round the clock? If you're an all day drinker, you will need a doctor's help to withdraw. Alcohol is the only drug that can cause you to die when you cease using it. Doctors do use tranquilizers to ease people off of alcohol, but you should be dosing according to a doctor's instructions.

                    This is for extreme A abusers- if you don't fall into that category, no worries. Not trying to throw a scare into you, I just want you to be safe.

                    Take care...


                      Has anyone quit this way before?

                      fennel;835384 wrote: Bugz, do you drink 'round the clock? If you're an all day drinker, you will need a doctor's help to withdraw. Alcohol is the only drug that can cause you to die when you cease using it. Doctors do use tranquilizers to ease people off of alcohol, but you should be dosing according to a doctor's instructions.

                      This is for extreme A abusers- if you don't fall into that category, no worries. Not trying to throw a scare into you, I just want you to be safe.

                      Take care...
                      no i was never around the clock drinker..... good news is I was able to fall asleep
                      last night after 2 hours of tossing and turning... I didn't take a lorezapam so this
                      made me very happy indeed.... I actually have 24hours without a pill which
                      is what I never have been able to achieve in the past

                      and my last actual drink was monday night...

                      I'm aware of the DT's I've had my ugly moments with that.... I think it was easier
                      to get my body to this point now because in the last few months I just stuck to
                      beer not hard stuff...


                        Has anyone quit this way before?

                        greeneyes;835335 wrote: Bugz, I think it's great that you feel all right without the meds now. Sleep disturbance is sort of an individual thing. Here's my 2 cents. Download the Roberta Jewel's My Way Out book from the top of the page for $12. It will give you a lot of information about how to get yourself back on even keel. We really hammered our bodies with alcohol and it has to recover and restore depeltions. You should deffinately consider the supplements. People have mixed feelings about the CDs. I found them to be a good relaxation tool. Actually I usually fell asleep listening. There is all kinds of info about natural sleep aids on the internet. And here. Exercise will help you there too, not to mention the help of the endorphins.

                        Take a look through these two threads. You need a plan and tools to implement it.


                        thanks but I'm kinda stubborn in the way that I wanna find a way to do it my way!



                          Has anyone quit this way before?

                          And you SHOULD have your own plan. This is just a place rich in ideas to help you formulate one.

                          Like sheri, I too can feel the diff with AllOne. I don't look forward to it, but I take it.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Has anyone quit this way before?

                            Sheri;835606 wrote: Hi Bugz,

                            Here's an excellent article on detoxing with supplements and nutrition that I used as a guide along with the programs outlined in the MWO book and Seven Weeks to Sobriety.

                            Nutritional Program for Alcohol Detoxification

                            I purchased the 6-week starter pack of supplements from this website and still use the All One powder today even though I've been sober over a year. I really notice a difference when I don't take it, so I suspect I'll always need support from my supplement friends .

                            Wishing you all the best!

                            thanks I'll check it out.....

