But... something happens in my head. Suddenly buying a bottle of wine for 'at home' is ok. And you know what? That bottle doesn't see a second day. So, essentially, I'm right back where I started.
Doggygirl has said it so many times... but I just can't seem to wrap MY head around it... "I can never SAFELY drink". The 'surrender' or 'acceptance' of that STILL eludes me I can be sober, and quite happily so... but there is still something missing. That acceptance is missing. It may be there in the short term (more a result of regret or whatnot) but not there all the way.
How do I get there? Do I really have to 'come out' and seek counseling or something? Is that even going to get me there? Or does it truly have to come from within?
Ack! But, I've already said that.