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Looking for Advice

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    Looking for Advice

    Hi I've only just discovered this forum today in fact i've never been in any kind of forum before now. Anyway I'm just looking for any adveice or support I am absolutely fedup of my self and my alcohol binging and have decfided to go to the doctors and see if they can help with any kind of medication to help keep me calm and stop the cravings. Anyone know of any worthwile medication?? I would apprecxiate any advice.:new:

    Looking for Advice

    Hi there and welcome. This is my first time ever on an internet forum and it has been a great experience. You should download the book on here (believe it is still free??) and read it and you will get the answers you need I believe. Can someone here tell her how to find the book to download? I am having difficulty figuring it out myself. Anyhow, I hope you find what you need here.....we are a nice bunch.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Looking for Advice


      Jofus wrote: Hi I've only just discovered this forum today in fact i've never been in any kind of forum before now. Anyway I'm just looking for any adveice or support I am absolutely fedup of my self and my alcohol binging and have decfided to go to the doctors and see if they can help with any kind of medication to help keep me calm and stop the cravings. Anyone know of any worthwile medication?? I would apprecxiate any advice.:new:
      No meds ,they just clog up your system. You need a good cleanse instead. Big pharama- is just a big money maker for corporate scum and not your health. You gotta clean out your system and get more natural in your intake of foods. This doesn't mean you can't shop at CUB or whatever, but be more selective in your choices of food: Less processed foods (Mac&Cheese,ect.)and more produce and fresh meats, in my opinion, will get you in the right direction to health and sobriety as well as satisfy some cravings. I'm a rookie at this sobriety kick but I know what makes me calm down and be satisfied when I wanna slug down some drinks: Food! Just choose the right ones.


        Looking for Advice

        MillerSwiller, I believe you belong in a different forum.

        Jofus, stay with us! I stumbled here at the beginning of August. I read the book and am taking the drug future is bright and I have hope!

        We are a supportive bunch and no matter what path you choose (drugs or not) we are here to help in any way we can.:l
        :h :h :h :h

