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Coming back with tail between my legs

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    Coming back with tail between my legs

    I have "acted out" on this board and I know it. I had a strange reaction to learning my dad is going to die and there have been other things. I got in touch with some anger issues and might have misdirected them.

    The latest saga is that I called a friend's mom to tell her she was in the hospital with pancreatitis due to drinking. Ok, so the first time she was hospitalized I let it slide. But when she got out and went home and drank the same night and went to the hospital again I did not let it slide. I called her mom. My friend has lost so much already and I did call some sober living houses this a.m. and I did find her a place. Still, tonight, we got into a fight and I ended up hanging up on her as she accused me of effing up and screwing her over, when all I am trying to do is help.

    At any rate, I know this post might not make too much sense, but I have a lot on my plate right now. I should just be focusing on me and my father but this friend thing is really weighing me down. I know if she is going to kill herself via drinking there is nothing I can do about it. I have done my part. I found her a place to live and a chance. But I still feel like crap. :upset:

    Coming back with tail between my legs

    Hi Another Day,

    I don't know what happened but it's good that you've come back to get support.
    Yes, concentrate on getting yourself better. Other things flow from that.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Coming back with tail between my legs

      Hi AnotherDay.. I wondered where you were!
      So sorry to hear about your friend.. you are going through so much right now.. remember we are always here for you,
      katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Coming back with tail between my legs

        Anotherday;835747 wrote:
        At any rate, I know this post might not make too much sense, but I have a lot on my plate right now. I should just be focusing on me and my father but this friend thing is really weighing me down. I know if she is going to kill herself via drinking there is nothing I can do about it. I have done my part. I found her a place to live and a chance. But I still feel like crap. :upset:
        Hi AD - I recently had a chat with another member here about something similar. Two of them were trying to support each other and be AF together but the one member didn't manage it and was afraid that her drinking would "tempt" the other one to start to drink again. My words to her were this... each and every one of us here is on our own personal journey. There is so much care and support here at MWO but we each make a decision for ourselves every day whether or not we are going to drink no matter what the others say to us. If I'm sober and you're not and I'm trying to convince you to stop drinking, I can talk til I'm blue in the face but the bottom line is this.. you make the decision for yourself whether or not you pick up the glass.
        You have done what you thought was best and you did what you could to help your friend. Her reaction and her accusing you of screwing her over is the alcohol talking. And it still talks when we are drinking even if we don't happen to be drunk at that particular moment.
        You did what you could. Try to not think about it so much and concentrate on yourself and your father. That's what counts most for you
        right now.
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Coming back with tail between my legs

          hi AD,i like what stirly said,you are responsible for You,until a person figures that out,whether there a n addicted person or not,one will be lost,i was thinking about that to this morning,when i was sent to treatment,the best thing that ever happened to me,forced,if you go to treatment as per a joke,and then go again,i think your problem is a bigger one,same as being admitted into a hospital,and then getting out and doing it all over again,when does that so called person lose there rights to decide,i sifhned a waver to stay for three days,a must orthey wont admitt you,i beleive if your deemed a harm to yourself or anyone else they can keep you longer without conscent,when has a so called friend,become your worst nt mare,[enemy]food for thot Anotherday,gyco

