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So upset

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    So upset

    Well.. just had a terrible time the past couple of hours.. my ex came to pick my son up - started verbally abusing me in front of him - shoved him back to me, slammed the door then kept buzzing the intercom for 30 mins to be let back in! I had to call the police - but they won't lock him up, as yet again - they dont see what he is doing as harrassment; i HATE the police! they wont ever do anything!!
    I am now going to buy some AL as i cannot think straight I am so upset.. my son is fine and will be going to bed shortly..
    Sorry all.. i just needed to vent..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    So upset

    Hey Katie - VENT first! I am here!!!
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      So upset

      Katie darling,

      Vent away honey,stay close to the boards, please don't buy any AL because it will not help in any way. You'll just feel angry and upset with a banging headache.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        So upset

        hi katie,sorry to here of your delema,hang tuff,


          So upset

          I know I don't need to say this, cause you know this already.....
          the AL won't help. It will just make you feel worse in the morning.
          Don't allow your partners behaviour to affect your own.
          You are doing really well. You have dealt with your difficult court case really well.
          Drinking is giving away your power.
          Hang in there Katie. Don't turn this encounter with your partner into an an excuse for a bender. You and your son will be better off if you remain sober (or drink as little as possible).
          Keep close to the boards and vent, vent, vent!!!!

          Sober since 30/06/10


            So upset

            Thank you all.. I did buy a bottle of wine.. but I won't get drunk.. ive had some water and have calmed down a bit.. im just sick of him doing this to me, in front our son! its wrong on so many levels.. i am tired and upset that he is causing such ugliness of front of our son.. i want my son to grow up secure.. my ex is destroying this - i want him out of our lives! im going to the Family Court next week and will ensure he has very limited (supervised hopefully) access... i really want to move away from him.. he is causing me and our son such distress..
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              So upset

              KatieB;835771 wrote: Thank you all.. I did buy a bottle of wine.. but I won't get drunk.. ive had some water and have calmed down a bit.. .
              Hi Katie - sorry to hear about your troubles. I know it is so upsetting when something like that happens but even more so when it happens in front of a child.
              Could I make a suggestion... pour the wine down the sink. That will be a really positive thing for you to do in the face of the anger and frustration you're feeling right now. That bottle is not going to do you any good. One glass could very well lead to another and another. You have your child to think of. Please do the right thing and get rid of the wine. Now
              . Don't give it another thought. Just do it.
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                So upset

                Hey KatieB, that is such a tough thing to go thru over and over. But I agree with stirly, pour the wine down the sink. I keep telling myself that nothing anyone says or does is going to drive me to drink. Then you are giving them control versus having control over your own life. You are awesome and stop letting your ex tell you different, he knows how it makes you feel so don't let him get away with it! Good luck in family court - wishing you the best outcome!


                  So upset

                  KatieB;835771 wrote: Thank you all.. I did buy a bottle of wine.. but I won't get drunk.. ive had some water and have calmed down a bit.. im just sick of him doing this to me, in front our son! its wrong on so many levels.. i am tired and upset that he is causing such ugliness of front of our son.. i want my son to grow up secure.. my ex is destroying this - i want him out of our lives! im going to the Family Court next week and will ensure he has very limited (supervised hopefully) access... i really want to move away from him.. he is causing me and our son such distress..
                  Is there a person who can be the middleman to pick up/drop off your son? He needs to be shielded from this sort of drama. If you feel your ex is unfit to care for your son, you need to document this sort of behavior with the police. Even if the police seem unsympathetic, at least there will be a record. You may need to find a third party who is impartial to make the custody exchange between you and your ex. Getting drunk won't solve a thing.


                    So upset

                    Thanks Fennel and FG,

                    No, there is no one that can be a middle-man.. it is too much to ask of the one friend i have when she already does so much for me.. plus I would not want her to have any interaction with him, and I don't like most of his family as they are as bad as him..
                    I am going to seek legal advice about all this as I do not want my son to be implicated any more; my ex may not care but I DO!!! - especially now my son is older and is aware of everything.. I don't want my son growing up around this at all.. I am going to make a stand now..
                    thanks again,
                    Katie xx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      So upset

                      Hi KatieB. With all the love and respect I can muster, can I suggest that you drinking is not a good idea either since your son is old enough to be aware of what is going on around him?

                      I hope for you and your son's sake that you are able to get an arrangement in the courts that will work out peacefully for all concerned.

                      Drinking isn't the answer.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        So upset

                        Hi Katie ~ this post may be coming a little after the fact, but I pray that you are able to find a way to deal with all the tumultuous feelings regarding your ex and the way he treats you BESIDES alcohol... Oh, I can relate - I have an ex - and my interactions with him have often lead me to a bottle of wine, so I am not judging... I just know that it always adds to my problem - AL has NEVER made me feel better... It ALWAYS makes me feel worse - and I really know you don't need that right now...

                        The fact that you came to MWO before going to get the wine, makes me believe that you really know that AL is not the answer, or you probably would not have reached out to the people who are supporting you in your effort to not drink in situations like this...I am glad you thought of MWO first!

                        Your son has seen enough, it sounds like... He needs a mother that is HEALTHY and strong... He deserves that - and you sound like a loving mother who wants to give that to him... If you want to protect him against a verbally and physically abusive father, protect him also from the affects that alcohol has on his mother... I am trying to do the same for my children... You are wonderful! You can be the best you are meant to be!!
                        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                          So upset

                          Thank you Doggygirl and Spiritgirl,

                          I did not drink any AL until he was in bed.. and I did not have a hangover the next day.. I know drinking is not the answer.. I have had no AL now since.. 3 days.. and my ex has still been mean to me and harrassing me.. I just ignore him.
                          Thanks again for your support,
                          Katie xx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            So upset

                            Hang in there KatieB. This too shall pass...

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              So upset

                              Glad to hear you are taking the higher road! Again, you seem like a strong woman, and good mother...Keep on keepin' on!
                              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...

