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little help?!

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    little help?!

    My last drink was monday night, I had 4 or 5 beers... then the next 3 days
    I took lorazepam so I wouldn't have seizures and go thru intense DT's...
    i've had really bad DT's in the past.... now thursday and friday I was
    pill free and no drinks.... so I have 2 days AF.... today
    I renovated some of my basement today... I have no physical urge to drink
    I mean due to withdrawals or what have you.... but since I stopped
    working 2 hours ago...drinking is the only thing that is on my mind... and the
    fact that it's saturday night and im lonely as hell again GRRRRRR

    All I can do is try to give myself an excuse to drink..... this is driving me
    mad.... how do I get out of these little mind games my mind is playing on me?

    and damn it doesn't help that there's a full case of beer in the garage...


    I've gone longer then this AF in the past.... but this is what always bring me
    back..... my conscience trying to come up with reasons to allow me to say yes....


    little help?!

    Hi bugz,
    I hope you didn't cave and go for that case. I'm very much a newbie here so I don't have great words of wisdom for you but I wanted to be sure you got a reply so you knew someone was listening. All I know is that when I get the cravings, I ask myself if it is really worth the slight buzz I'll get for a very short time, the self loathing the next day as well as the fatigue, headache, upset stomach, heartburn and the lying around getting absolutely nothing done on my one day off or calling in sick if it is a weekday. My answer has been a resounding NO because I KNOW I won't stop at 1 or 2 so there is no chance of NOT feeling sick the next morning.

    Just remember it is poison you are pouring down your throat. If the can said Drano instead of Budweiser (or whatever brand you USED to drink) on it, would you still feel deprived?

    Hope I've helped just a little. Hang in there-if you really want to live an AF and/or sober life you will.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      little help?!

      I haven't caved yet.... i mainly want to drink now to relieve the physical pain from the work I did
      earlier... if that makes sense... I haven't caved yet.... but the fact that I can't think about anything
      else is driving me crazy...

      I know if i do I'm gonna hate myself for having to start from scratch yet again.. I'm so sick of this cycle though


        little help?!

        Hey bugz! Are you hanging in there?

        You know, sometimes it's not one DAY at a time.. but one hour... or minute, even. Procrastinate! Say, if I really still feel the same in 90 minutes, I can have one. Then, go take a shower, bath, turn on the TV, go into chat here, do something to keep yourself occupied. Chances are, in an hours time, your craving will be gone!

        Wishing you unbridled strength and success tonight!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          little help?!

          hey Bugz,
          How did you do last nite? Did you hang in there? There are lots of things besides AL that can help relieve the pain of physical work and can be just as rewarding so if that is one of your triggers, make a list of what else you can do to relieve the discomfort. Having that list with you makes it so much easier to make good choices.
          Wishing you the best-keep posting OK?
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            little help?!

            Hi Bugz,

            Hope you won the battle. I have been very weak these last 3 nights after 4 days AF. I know it is me I am letting down but those mind games are awful. I can so connect with many things that have been mentioned here. Also can always find something to blame for my weakness.

            I have signed up for a charity walk - 10 miles - so need to concentrate on getting fit for the challenge.

            Good luck xx
            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


              little help?!

              Hey Bugz remember how far you have come. I too find I get tired/achy towards the end of the first week. This is hard work but AL is even harder on us. Sleep and good food will do a better job.


                little help?!

                Hey Bugz
                Hope you did well and ignored the little monster? It can be a battle and as Sunshine says sometimes we must battle an hour or even a minute at a time. Today (its ten-thirty at night here) at some stage I 'gave myself permission' to bring down a bottle of whiskey that is upstairs when the family had gone to bed and have a secret session watching the golf when noone else would know. I actually spent lots of today looking forward to it. I AM OVER 3 MONTHS FREE OF ALCOHOL!!!! What sort of power has this monster got to make a grown intelligent woman think like that and to think it was ok. I purposely drank the bottle of sparkling water an hour ago cos I don't like whiskey without sparkling water. WHAT SORT OF A CLOWN AM I? Sorry for the long post, I just felt I should put this down and lay the nonsense to rest.
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

