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    Good Morning Family
    After a small slip Friday I am back full force.
    Had a great day at lakehouse mowing and trimming shrubbery and working on boat older than me!!
    I was so happy to see Phil Mickelson win The Masters and his embrace of his wife Amy. She is battling breast cancer, and since I am a survivor I am especially moved by stories like this.
    hello to all who check in later....
    oh yeah.....prolly gona show up to office to find power has been turned never boss SWORE he had wire the money...but i got a call at 5pm friday and was told power would be disconnected at 730 this morning ifwire not received,,,,,,,,
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


    Hi Mama and all to come

    Did not know you were a cancer survivor Mama. If you have been through that then Al is no match for you. You will find your way, I just know it.

    Another beautiful morning, off to spend some time outside again. House is a mess but I can clean when it rains.

    Have a great Monday everyone and hope the week ahead is a good one.




      Hi Mamab and rustop,

      Mamab - sorry to hear about your awful boss.. I really hope your power didn't get cut off? You are a survivor.. remind yourself at testing and trying times like these! You can get through anything.. you just have to believe in yourself.
      It's now Tuesday here in Oz.. I am Day 3 today.. feeling pretty good; weather here is beautiful too at the moment - its is Autumn, so not too hot - around 22 degrees with perfect blue skies! I have to go and get my son dressed now to take him out and about,
      Have a fab day all.
      Katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


