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Hello Out There!!! I am new!!!!

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    Hello Out There!!! I am new!!!!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to say thanks for letting me "subscribe" and read
    through the main list! I have had a huge problem with alcohol for what seems
    like yesterday- but really has been about seven years. I have tried all sorts of
    things- AA- which I think really only made me worse, fighting the good fight
    alone, opening up to people- who when non-drinkers often backfires and makes me
    worse because of their judgements.
    I have had no luck talking to doctors- I tell them the truth and they
    immediately brand me as alcoholic and try to slam me into yet another 12 step
    program. Rush me off for tests and then are almost dissapointed when there
    hasn't yet been any "permenant" damage caused by my drinking.
    I'm stuck in a weird limbo- can't have relationships with people who drink like
    I do (that would be dangerous!). Can't mantain relationships with people who
    DON'T drink like I do (They seem to think I'm dangerous!). So mostly I find
    myself keeping to myself and living sort of a double life- a lie. I feel like
    that lie is really starting to catch up with me.
    So- I have to try something new.
    So- I am trying this- and also looking into the MM program. I am not
    looking for an easy answer- I know there likely isn't one- but I am looking for
    at least some hope to the start of an answer. I just can't go on the way I have
    been- not anymore- but I'm not yet sure what to do with myself alternatively! Or
    my emotions and reactions to things- which I usually react to almost everything-
    by drinking!
    My biggest coscern now with this program- I had a BAD experience mixing pro-zac/ klonazepam with alcohol years ago after my divorce and a BAD experience mixing Zoloft (Wellbutrin) with ME trying to quit smoking a few months ago- TOPOMAX sounds too good to be true! But if it's the answer- good god where do I sign up! Anyone know of a sympathetic doctor in Northern Florida? Typically- as I said- Doctors don't want to touch me with a ten-foot pole!
    Anyway! Hello!
    Alisa Smiles

    Hello Out There!!! I am new!!!!

    Hi Alisa

    Hi There,

    Sorry about all the docs that you have been to. Have you tried a psychiatrist? They are generally more knowledgeable and open. Don't let the psychiatrist piece scare you, it doesn't mean that you're squirrely!!

    I understand what you are talking about with being caught between different groups of people. You are actually not in bad shape with only having a problem for seven years--many people here have had a problem for much longer. I've had a problem for 15.

    I've been on the site since last December, and although I've certainly had my ups and downs, MWO has been the best thing that has happened to me regarding my drinking. I extend you a very warm


    Keep reading and posting and very good luck to you!

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Hello Out There!!! I am new!!!!

      Hi Cheers, nice to meet you in chat. Sorry it was so hectic in there, just a big turnout. Come around again so we can get to know you. You will be glad you are here....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

