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I've taken my first step AA

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    I've taken my first step AA

    Hello all,
    I am on my way to my first AA meeting at 7pm. 15 minutes away. I am very very nervose. The meeting is about 2 minutes from my house. Will I see someone I know? Will this work for me? I'm scared. How did this happen? Ok, here goes... I'm on my way. Wish me luck

    I've taken my first step AA

    Good luck M22! If you see someone you know, they are there for the same reason you are. AA has really helped me as has My Way Out. I hope it helps you too. You will never know unless you go.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      I've taken my first step AA

      Good Luck M22!!!

      I'm also brand new to AA (Approx 70 days) and am sooooo glad I went.

      Thinking of you!!!!

      AF 01/30/10

      Look Back & Thank God
      Look Forward & Trust God
      Look Around & Serve God
      Look Within & Find God


        I've taken my first step AA

        Hi M22! Good for you! You will be greeted and made at home. Your fears are valid, but it's okay! Should you run into someone you know, they are there for the same reason. They want to remain anonymous just like you. It's the golden rule. I ran into someone that I know the other day. We cried and hugged each other upon seeing one another. We went out for coffee after the meeting. We spoke on the phone later that evening, and met up at another meeting the next day. Afterwards, we went for a drive. I'm no longer ashamed. I want to free myself of the guilt and embarrassment of this disease. Meanwhile, there are so many of us suffering. AA is a Network! It's tough to beat this disease alone and is important for you to surround yourself with SOBER people and people who can relate to you. Please post when you return from the meeting.
        September 23, 2011


          I've taken my first step AA

          Reenie, you sound terrific!

          I too love the fellowship among people "just like me."

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            I've taken my first step AA

            I'm Sober Tonight!!

            Well I did it. Any you guys were right it was a pleasant experience. Everyone was really nice and I got 2 numbers of women in the group for support. I was invited as a group tomorrow to attend a women group. I am really excited and can't wait. But most important, I am home with my kids and I am SOBER!!! I will go to bed tonight with my husband and not smell like alcohol. I will kiss my babies goodnight and actually remember that I did so when I wake up. I won't hide my cell phone from myself worried that I will text or call someone or say something stupid that I won't remember tomorrow. I won't have a headache tomorrow and take aspirins before I go to work. I won't wake up at 5am to look at the bottle to see just how much I had to drink. I will be present tonight for life!!!!
            I am going to bed now. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning Sober. I pray to God
            to please give me strength. To please give me the power to make today the first day of the rest of my life.

            Thank you everyone for all your support.



              I've taken my first step AA

              Good on you M22. In the earlier days I could have done with AA but unlike you was not brave enough to take the first step. It sounds great and you already have a network of people - thats fantastic. I remember the 5AM looking at the bottle to see how much I had drunk and sometimes thinking 'great only had half a bottle of vodka' and then finding another half empty bottle, scary isn't it!
              Well done you
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                I've taken my first step AA

                Dynamite, M22. Go for it!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  I've taken my first step AA

                  hi m22,congratulations,if you dont have the book,it can be seen online,under aabook,4th edition,there is also an aaonline site to talk on,i hope it helps gyco


                    I've taken my first step AA

                    M22, congratulations. I am glad that your meeting was positive, and it sounds like you are very motivated, way to go! Don't forget that there will be times that the evil alcohol will creep into your mind and try to convince you to drink. You know it will happen, so you have the power. You can do it.
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      I've taken my first step AA

                      THis is a really difficult time for me. This is the time that I prepare myself for my WiNE DOWN TIME AFTER WORK. I just ran home to take my KUDZU. I plan on taking my daughter to her soccer practice and rent a movie. I will not sit in my sofa in the living room because that is where I normally sit and drink instead I will lay in bed with my little girl. I will try to remember how good I felt this morning. No, How absolutely wonderful and proud I felt this morning and I will post. "OFTEN"!
                      Please everyone pray for me, send me good vibes. "God knows I am going to need it."


                        I've taken my first step AA

                        Sending the most positive and strong vibes I can muster your way
                        You can do this!

                        Wishing you a lovely, cuddly movie night! :l
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          I've taken my first step AA

                          Congrats M22 on that wonderful sober day! You can do it today too! Sending you strong vibes. And please do NOT be afraid to use those phone numbers! These ladies have been down this road and want to help. So make sure you let them! Another great resource in addition to MWO. Build your army. Movie night sounds wonderful!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            I've taken my first step AA

                            Yay! Awesome! I'mproud of you!
                            September 23, 2011


                              I've taken my first step AA

                              7pm and I am Sober! At times the temptation was horrific but I text a friend who is celebrating 90 days and she supports and help so much so here I am sober. WOW. I am really happy. I came home with a plan. I went to the supermarket and stocked up on fruit so my daughter and I will experiment with smoothies. I also cooked a feast...Chicken stew, Rice, Red kidney beans with carrots and potatoes and for desert I am making a Flan and Sugar free Jello in different colors with whip cream. My husband took her to soccer practice and as soon as they arrive it is Movie time.
                              I can't wait to wake up sober tomorrow.
                              I will post before bed. Thank you guys for all your support, love and encouragement. I could not have done this without you.

