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Quit now or after vacation

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    Quit now or after vacation

    This is my first post here on the board. I used a similar board 2 years ago to quit smoking and found that really helpful so I thought I might get some help here.

    Before I retired 6 years ago I enjoyed an occasional glass of wine with a meal.

    Then I retired and gradually it all seemed to change. You do not notice it until you see there are 3 empty white wine bottles to go to today's recycling (husband never drinks white wine and we hadn't had any visitors). I only drink white wine, nothing else.

    I start with a glass of wine about mid-day and then I don't seem to stop until I go to bed. Funny but I never get drunk and I never feel bad the next day.

    This has to stop. I don't know if I want to (or can) cut down the amount or stop altogether.

    We are going on vacation next week for 5 weeks. Should I stop then as it will be a change of routine or should I enjoy my trip (I will probably drink less there) and quit when I get back?

    Quit now or after vacation

    I think if you're still so ambivalent about the whole thing you will be setting yourself up to fail on holiday. Why don't you visit in here a while and start by trying to have some days without alcohol to get the feel of it before committing.
    I don't find it that surprising that you don't feel drunk if you're spreading it out over the day with food, but you will probably be over the limit by mid-afternoon if you try to drive, it will be robbing you of energy, and it will be damaging your body.
    It's good that you're recognising that things have slipped out of your grasp and doing something about it though.


      Quit now or after vacation

      Welcom LuvtoC,
      I'm inclined to agree with Dancingon, to have an alcohol free holiday takes a lot of determination. Of course the 'correct' reply is give up today etc etc and like Dancing says even if you don't get drunk that amount of booze is damaging your body, however unless you are totally committed I would also be afraid that you could be 'setting yourself up to fail on holiday'.
      I went on holiday about 3 weeks ago and stayed AF, but that was after nearly 3 months off the grog, and I went with the attitude that whatever happens I WILL NOT touch a drink. Only you know how strongly you feel about this Luv2C, but whatever you decide, be it before or after your holiday you know you must loose the alcohol, join us here, posting, reading, and lurking, the 'olbies' will be along with the experienced advice - listen to them, they are life savers!!!!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Quit now or after vacation

        Stop whilst on holidays while you are not in your ususal routine.


          Quit now or after vacation

          hi,luv2cruze,interesting,sometimes i have to ask people to reread what they wrote,[when i retired things changed],my dear thats an understatement,disaster waiting to happen,my brother has an old saying,a person only lives once,holidays are special,not so much as to make a fool of ones self,but i hope the 3 bottles ,dont turn into per day,per say,not to offend,i am not the so called model person,by no means,some of us have to take a overwhelming look at our lifes,and not only see how it effects us,but the ones around us,so far you recognise that,my words to you,you worked to enjoy retirement,dont destroy what youve work to earn,gyco


            Quit now or after vacation

            Hi Luv2, and welcome to mwo. The posts above all make excellent points and thoughts on your issue. I have found, in my new struggle to stay af, that I can get through public events sober that I never dreamed of - and still have fun, be rested etc. I also notice the weekends last so much longer sober. Your trip might seem like 8 weeks if you are sober. Best of luck, read write and listen lots here.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Quit now or after vacation

              Hi Luv2cruze.

              Very interesting, I was faced with the exact same situation 1 year and a couple of months ago (it was the beginning of December.)

              I went to the doctor actually to prescribe me Antabuse and I wanted to give it my full shot. My doctor than asked me if I thought it was the right time over the festive season as he wanted me to be realistic and not set my self up for failure. However I wanted that exact challenge and to make a point.

              I made it (and had a relatively good holiday) but christmas was only after about 3 weeks so I had some time to get settled into teh new routine (albeit not a lot).

              The result? I made it, slipped but only 3 months later.

              However took a heck of a lot of determination and probably a little more than I would have needed. Also it was a staying at home holiday. You need to be really determined to quit and enthusiastic about it if you want to do it during the holiday. If you are split minded about it I would suggest waiting till after.

              Good Luck
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                Quit now or after vacation

                Just wanted to join the :welcome: wagon Luv2Cruze! Maybe you could consider downloading the My Way Out book and print it off for priority reading on the Cruise? Then go from there? Whatever you decide about timing, congratulations on your decision to get a handle on this problem before it gets a handle on you.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

