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Feeling empty

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    Feeling empty

    Hi Katie, hope you are feeling brighter. I agree with all previous posters so will not rehash all those points. Sometimes far away fields are greener, when you are alone it seems everyone is playing happy families and have gangs of devoted friends. It isn't always like that, a person can be much lonelier in a poor marriage than someone on their own and 'devoted' friends are very few and far between. Unfortunately so many so-called friends delight in anothers misery - don't get me wrong, a true friend is a diamond, just there aren't that many!
    You are in a very tough situation but breaking down the different parts
    1/ Your son is only 2 so unless nastiness is thrust in his face, you CAN shield him, and you are his mummy, he will ALWAYS love his mummy, when he is 40 he will love his mummy! Of course the plonker seems attractive to him, he dips in and out and its easy to play at being a parent, you do the hard yards - you have to say NO when he wants a biscuit before dinner or a sweet drink before bed etc. doesn't change his love tho.
    2/ Have you 'playschools' or 'preschool' in Aus? We have here in Ireland from about the age of 2 and I met more Mums coming and going that to this day meet and have a chat with. One of those Mums is actually the mother of my 21 year old daughters boyfriend.
    3/ Join anything but don't expect to make friends - if you do great, if you don't at least you have had an outing.
    4/ Libraries are great places with little ones, all bored Mums land there eventually and will usually strike up a chat with a Mum with a child a similar age.
    5/ Don't know much about meds etc but you do sound a bit depressed, have you talked to Doc about doses and stuff?
    Anyway Katie, be strong, I am also the person always on the edge of the group and get hurt time and again by feelings of exclusion - you and I have discussed this before, its probably routed in childhood bullying, we carry on enabling people to bully us, don't don't don't drink, Jeeeeez it just makes us sadder and lonelier.
    Thinking of you
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Feeling empty

      katieb, im so sorry you feel down. youknow you always have support and friendship here. dont let him get to you anymore. you're fighting a huge battle with (or should i say without) AL so try and be strong, and yes have a good cry, thats what its for.x
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Feeling empty

        Thank you Mario,
        Mollyka - i totally agree with everything you said.. my son IS only 2.. and I do all the hard work with him.. his dad finds him too much to deal with so only has him for a few hours a week, sometimes overnight but not regularly..
        I am going to start taking my son to a church playgroup next week.. I haven't had much luck yet with a playgroup I like.. I tried going to a local one here.. but no-one spoke english at that one so I didn't go back! hopefully this next one will be better. Playgroups are the way to go for the pre-schoolers in Oz.. you have to pay a fee, but its reasonable.. anything to get me and my son out of the house..
        I do have other friends around and about, but they live quite far away and I dont have a car.. so I dont get invited to much as they know I don't drive.. and Sydney is a huge city - public transport is pretty good but you need a car to get to some places.. I can apply for my licence in just 4 months.. looking forward to that..
        Thank you Spuddle.. I do love coming on here for the support - just the knowing you guys are here makes me feel less alone..
        Katie xxx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Feeling empty

          Church play group sound's a good idea, and good you can at least speak with a counsellor. I'm interested in what the domestic violence outreach support worker is suggesting, or support she's able to give you? (free service). I can't recall if you are going to AA? If not, worth a look, especially given your almost zero support.

          Best wishes Katie.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Feeling empty

            Big *Hugs* Katie


              Feeling empty

              hi katie,i guess the support system is different every where,i wish you well,i have to say i am happy i live in canada,this site has tot me to be greatful,in many ways,by the way we dont have free health care,we pay it in the way were taxed,i no single parents specially mothers is a very huge issue here,only cause my niese went thro it,my children have so far been spared any pain,most men cant claim poverty,hers did,and still is,i beleive starts said it,verbal abuse is also a crime,my wife,being the great person she is,or mother,would say buy a tape recorder,even to tape the son and what comes out from his mouth,great evidence in court,men and women both can be very evil people depending who controls the roust,or whos name everything is in,depression is not fun,never mind an over bearing spouse,katie im ramblin,i do so hope everything works out for you, gyco


                Feeling empty

                Thank you Guitarista - I don't go to AA nor will I - I find this site is enough to help keep me away from AL - I am going to start taking my son to a church playgroup and that way I should meet new friends, if I don't, no biggie.. I will find ways to make sure I get out there and don't mope at home..
                Thank you Chook xx
                Gyco - thank you also..I am the only single mother I know, i don't know anyone else that is, everyone seems to be in families around here.. not sure about the tape recorder idea - i dont think they can be used in court in Oz - as its against the law (from what ive heard) to record people when they dont know it.. i am documenting everything by hand though.. my ex was very evil - i added his name to my credit card.. and we now owe thousands of debt, which he has left me with..
                Just to let you all know, I got a book out "the divorce chronicles" by Roberta Shaw - fantastic reading.. she talks a bit about loneliness, and heaps of other stuff relating to separation.. so far its really helping me
                Thanks for everyone's kind words.. I am feeling much better today - took my son shopping (he's now napping).. have plans at the weekend to keep myself busy.
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


