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feeling apprehensive

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    feeling apprehensive

    Hi everybody been on here just over a week. Ordered all the stuff which has arrived ordered the meds on line did not feel up to going to doctors. Started it all yesyerday, shame I could not have started the day before as went out iwth new boyfriend got really drunk and turned into a totally abusive nightmare calling him all sorts of names etc. Subsequently admitted to him that i felt i was a problem drinker i do not drink every day but on some occasins not every i do not seem able to stop ans can again not always turn into the person i did the other night. He was oviously totally fazed by all this as he had no idea that i could be like that. The guy is oviously unsure if he wants a relationship with somebody who has the potential to be like that ( who can blame him). But my main point here is I just feel so scared really want all this to work doing cds supps and meds but read on here about poeple who cant tollerate the meds what happens then ? could not face ever being the person i became the other night again. Would like to hear other peoples views on this. How long does it take the side effects to kick in i have only taken two doses of topamax and am really frightened of the side effects kicking in and me having to abondon the meds. Know i am rambling a bit here but hope somebody out there will get my drift.

    thanks flo

    feeling apprehensive

    Hang in There, Flo

    What's worse, Flo, worrying about being abusive or worrying about the meds? Lot's of people DON'T have problems with the meds. If you do, you can always titrate up very slowly, say, starting at 12.5 instead of 25 mg of topa, which is the medication I'm assuming that you're talking about. For most people topa helps enough for them to get through the "side effects" stage.

    Also, there is the kudzu. When I had a sinus infection back in the spring, which makes me extremely dopey, I had to cut back on the topa, and I just upped my dose of kudzu, and it really helped me stay on an even keel regarding drinking. There's a way for you to get this done. Try not to worry, just keep trying.

    Good luck, Flo.

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      feeling apprehensive

      Laughing with you! Hi Flo! I haven't taken the plunge yet with the kudzo and the topo- am very apprehensive- so I have no valuable advice there. But your description of your date with your new boyfriend! Oh I wanted to give you a hug! I have been there too! Being NO stranger to on-line dateing I have re-lived your Friday night on too many occassions! I hate it all as well and am willing to try something new to "make it all stop!". But- oh I have soooo been there! It doesn't "define" us though- as we are trying to find a way out! It was likely that your drinking history and true desire to do something to change it- was VERY heavily on your mind. Then, you found a place like this and started openly TALKING about your feelings- so that was just all too easy to come out in the date! But yes- people who don't have drinking problems- really react pretty horrified when you go out drinking with them and start talking about yours! While simulataneously giving them a hard time! And as you said- "Can you blame them?". LOL.
      Got to look at it this way- it's ALL part of the process! Your making major headway and self realizations! Here's to progress!
      Alisa Smiles


        feeling apprehensive

        Thank you both for sound supportive advice . what great people on here. Been on the meds for 3 days been feeling really awful and though oh know its the side effect !! but realised coimg down with a cold so took cold rememdy and feel great. What a worrier I am and pleased to report walked passed the wine section in the super market without a side ward glance today !!

        thanks again flo

