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Can the doctor help?

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    Can the doctor help?

    Hi all,
    Havn't been on here for a while and progressivly getting worse. Can anyone tell me what exactly I am doing to myself so I snap out of this sickly state I am in as nothing is working for me.
    For example - husband away last night. I am a 155cm tall ( approx 5 foot) weigh 60 kilos and I managed to drink 18 mid strength beers. That is disgusting and i feel like shit this morning.
    My tolerance to al is scaring me and I need help. I basically don't sleep past about 3am after going to bed with my son at around 8.30pm. Have all intensions about getting back up after I lie down with him but hey after 8 or so beers I don't.

    So when my son falls asleep before me I take this oppurtunity to drink more. What the hell is wrong with me. So sick of waking up sick that I don't really know how to help myself?? Do I honestly love beer more than life itself?

    I have gained 7 kilos in the past 12 months and am hating myself more and more. I smoke as well and besides that hangovers I am starting to feel numbness in my fingers and I am scared.

    I used to exercise once and loved it and have always been quite fit and trim and took pride in my appearance but the devil has got me and i am so angry.

    Tomorrow I am visiting the GP and I am hoping he can help, I feel like a basket case, this depression that is caused by drinking and the weight gain that is caused by drinking SO why in the hell do I do it ....

    I have heard about naltrexone will this help me, i need help and am willing to try anything I love my family and they need me.


    Can the doctor help?

    It's great that you WANT to stop and are admitting you have a problem. Yes, talk to the doctor about your drinking problem. Baclofen helps reduce cravings. Check out the forum on different medication that will help you. When I came here two and a half months ago, I was drinking a fifth of vodka every night. What has worked for me is to stay on this site and read all the posts and post your feelings, problems, etc. You know you've got to stop and you need a plan. You'll find it useful to go to the toolbox on this site. I also recommend the supplements. They made me feel healthy, happy and energetic. Go to "Just starting out" and read the post "start here" by Rubywillow and also "You can do this!" We are all on this journey together to get and stay sober and you will find the most amazing, encouraging people here so stick around! Life is so beautiful without liquor in it. We want to help you!
    I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
    but I'm sure not who I used to be!

    There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



      Can the doctor help?

      Hi there,

      I should think your GP will be able to help.. it sounds like you may need anti-depressants if you are feeling down; some GP's are good with mental health and alcohol issues, others are crap - I had to change one GP due to his totally unsympathetic and judgemental attitude to my PND and AL issues.. but my current one is fantastic..
      Drink lots of water, or I find tea is very relaxing for me (not too much though as the caffeine can make you jittery).. exercise is good too.. don't beat yourself up about what's gone on in the past.. you can only control what you do today.. coming here helps heaps, post and read often.. and maybe even attend AA if you feel up to it - some ppl have found that's helped them heaps.. I have never gone myself though, its up to you..
      Also, I love reading and I find reading a great book - fiction or non-fiction, if you want to learn about something, can really take your mind off things,
      Good luck, and we are here for you,
      Katie xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Can the doctor help?

        i'm sure your GP will be able to suggest a few things. Now they probably won't prescribe anti-Ds since they are pretty useless whilst you are still drinking. AL is a depressant full stop.

        I too put on a lot of weight when my drinking got bad and let my training lapse. It's just one of the things AL does - takes away your interest in other things as well as your own wellbeing.

        Best thing to combat the depression and get back to living is to stop the AL and your GP may be able to suggest some support for you.

        Hope it goes well for you.


          Can the doctor help?

          If you find a Doctor who you like and trust, sure he or she can help you! Actually, getting serious with the medical field was my first step into gaining insight and somewhat control over my drinking.

          Be very honest with your Doctor, and do not be afraid to break down and cry if you have to. You will realize that the tears are a good thing. Doctors are there to help you, it is their job and why they go to school for years and years. Let them do their job and work for YOU.

          Good luck and keep us posted!!!



            Can the doctor help?

            hi kusyldi. you ask exactly what youre doing to yourself. well youre poisoning yourself with alcohol. thats exactly what weve all been doing
            the depression can be greatly increased by AL. ive been on anti depressants for over a year after ending up in hospital, nothing worked. since ive stopped drinking my mood is so much better, as is every other aspect in my life. i hope your docs appointment goes well, its tough admitting your problem. be totally honest with him, they can only help you if they know how bad you feel. as you know there is lots of great advice on these boards. it sounds like you really want this so throw everything you can at it. good luck, let us know how you get on
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Can the doctor help?

              Hi Kusyldi,
              Were you able to meet with your doctor? I was just checking in to see how things are going for you and how you're doing today. Let us know how you are!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Can the doctor help?

                hi kus,ask him or her for there credentials,some no,some dont,they just give you another alternative,pills,many doctors get very little education on addiction,i dont no the percentage,but i beleive many treatment centers finally figured it out,b4 hiring,the old saying,who knows what a person with an addiction is going thro,then another person with an addicion,progressivvely is a good sign to lern more about addiction,not necessarily alchoholic,the word is kinda like cancer,my dear i wish you well,gyco


                  Can the doctor help?

                  Thanks ppls, feeling ok and semi positive today so I 'm not afraid to 'spill the beans' so to speak with the doctor. I hope they can help me cause I sure can't do this alone.
                  Will keep you posted...


                    Can the doctor help?

                    Good luck Kusyldi,

                    Like I said, if the GP you go to isn't much use, try another one.. some GP's seem like they got their qualifications off the internet! other's are fab.. come back here and let us know.. we are here for you and can help you too,
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Can the doctor help?

                      wernt to the doctor.....yeah this one was pretty useless really. I was brutally honest and it was very apparent that addictions were not his forte.
                      In a nutshell he basically told me I was an alcoholic and just STOP. Ha what a waste of time - oh then suggested rehabillitation.

                      Now what to do? I live in a very isloated part of Australia were the resources are very limited and as good as a rehab program may be i would have to travel over a thousand kilometres and be away from a hectic business (sounds like I am making excuses) AND my family.

                      Personally I would like some councelling to deal with the reasons why I drink first then I may sort that out and then things may improve.

                      This is such a selfish disease as I know I need to stop but part of me enjoys it and dosnt want to. And I guess untill I work out the part of why I like and think I need it is were I am stuck.

                      I will have to think hard.



                        Can the doctor help?

                        i would find another doctor ASAP....what an idiot
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Can the doctor help?

                          I wouldn't go to a cardiologist for a broken ankle....Addiction treatment is a specialty, just like any other specific medical practice. Your remote location sounds like it presents you with special challenges, but I am certain you can still battle and win this addiction. Do your research, and maintain an open and willing mind and you will find your way out!

                          Best Wishes!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Can the doctor help?

                            What he says is correct you do have to stop, he just said it the wrong way. Rehabs many miles away actually can work better as they remove you from the drinking environment, so you can concentrate on you and no-one else. It's your drinking afterall.

                            I never wanted to spend time away from work etc but in the end work was suffering big time and for many, many years because I was still drinking. So guess the question is this - if your drinking continues will your business and family be more affected than if you simply took a month or two out right now?

                            Regards counselling I've recently found out that it was no good whilst I was still drinking. We made some progress as I would stay sober for the appointment but the counsellor wanted/needed to know what things came up for me when I was sober for longer than a couple of days (remember AL can affect your thoughts and feelings for a week or more after your last drink). All we were doing was treading water. It was at that point I decided this had to be it and since then I've come more and more aware of why I drink and how I use AL to avoid or control certain situations.

                            Chicken and Egg really and at some point you have to pull something out to find out why it's there in the first place.


                              Can the doctor help?

                              kusyldi;837471 wrote: Hi all,
                              Havn't been on here for a while and progressivly getting worse. Can anyone tell me what exactly I am doing to myself so I snap out of this sickly state I am in as nothing is working for me.
                              For example - husband away last night. I am a 155cm tall ( approx 5 foot) weigh 60 kilos and I managed to drink 18 mid strength beers. That is disgusting and i feel like shit this morning.
                              My tolerance to al is scaring me and I need help. I basically don't sleep past about 3am after going to bed with my son at around 8.30pm. Have all intensions about getting back up after I lie down with him but hey after 8 or so beers I don't.

                              So when my son falls asleep before me I take this oppurtunity to drink more. What the hell is wrong with me. So sick of waking up sick that I don't really know how to help myself?? Do I honestly love beer more than life itself?

                              I have gained 7 kilos in the past 12 months and am hating myself more and more. I smoke as well and besides that hangovers I am starting to feel numbness in my fingers and I am scared.

                              I used to exercise once and loved it and have always been quite fit and trim and took pride in my appearance but the devil has got me and i am so angry.

                              Tomorrow I am visiting the GP and I am hoping he can help, I feel like a basket case, this depression that is caused by drinking and the weight gain that is caused by drinking SO why in the hell do I do it ....

                              I have heard about naltrexone will this help me, i need help and am willing to try anything I love my family and they need me.

                              You KNOW what you need to do. At the risk of sounding unfeeling, you KNOW. You just need to be told. Work out your goals. Recognise what you need to do. You KNOW. YOU CAN.

