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Can the doctor help?

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    Can the doctor help?

    Pan_;838823 wrote: You KNOW what you need to do. At the risk of sounding unfeeling, you KNOW. You just need to be told. Work out your goals. Recognise what you need to do. You KNOW. YOU CAN.
    I just saw your location was Australia. PM me and I will help if I can.


      Can the doctor help?

      Yeah, it definately takes time to find the right "professionals" to help you.. I went through several GP's, and even counsellors til I have the amazing help I have today.
      My counsellor is an ex-priest (Cof E) and is amazing.. totally non-judgemental, and got to the root of my problems straight away - which is low self-esteem in my case.. this sounds like something you need too.. i have never gone to rehab or AA though its been suggested.. i still dont think either would help with me and my issues.. i suggest you "google" or look in a directory for counselling services.. i am seeing mine at a hospital though so its totally free (im in sydney) - i think maybe perth has a similar system, or i am sure they will have counsellors where you are.. or at least try your local hospital directory and see what services they provide..
      GP's like i said before vary from extreme stupidity (or ignorance) to being very understanding when it comes to mental issues/and or AL issues.. feel free to PM me if you want more advice.. we are here too,
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Can the doctor help?

        Aww, Im sorry your doctor turned out to be a clueless jerk.

        I also did the trial and error doctor hunting, and on my 3rd try I got a really great one who helped me tons!!

        Dont give up, and be persistant in looking for another doctor. Perhaps a female doctor would be more sensitive or seek out a addictions specialist?

        The main thing is DO NOT GIVE UP. If you keep seeking, you will find.

        Good Luck!!!



          Can the doctor help?

          Ukblonde;838822 wrote: What he says is correct you do have to stop, he just said it the wrong way. Rehabs many miles away actually can work better as they remove you from the drinking environment, so you can concentrate on you and no-one else. It's your drinking afterall.

          I never wanted to spend time away from work etc but in the end work was suffering big time and for many, many years because I was still drinking. So guess the question is this - if your drinking continues will your business and family be more affected than if you simply took a month or two out right now?

          Regards counselling I've recently found out that it was no good whilst I was still drinking. We made some progress as I would stay sober for the appointment but the counsellor wanted/needed to know what things came up for me when I was sober for longer than a couple of days (remember AL can affect your thoughts and feelings for a week or more after your last drink). All we were doing was treading water. It was at that point I decided this had to be it and since then I've come more and more aware of why I drink and how I use AL to avoid or control certain situations.

          Chicken and Egg really and at some point you have to pull something out to find out why it's there in the first place.
          This is a really smart post and so true.

          I especially think it's better to be away from family a month or two and get squared away versus staying in the same situation struggling.


            Can the doctor help?

            It's a shame your doctor didn't at least recommend drug and alcohol counselling services in the area. Look in your phone book. There may at least be a phone counsellor, even if there's noone close.
            What are you doing to yourself? You're damaging your liver and brain and Al can be carcinogenic, you're robbing yourself and your family of your energy and involvement, your spending too much money and you're keeping yourself in a depressed state to dull whatever it is that made you start drinking to excess in the first place. But you probably knew all those things, like we all do, and it doesn't help any of us stay off the drink for long. I think tackling it from a positive angle of what it will be like to be free is better.
            Is there a small hospital anywhere nearer than the big city. It might be worth asking about services in your area.
            If you're brave enough to tell the doctor, and you have family or someone, who could come look after the kids you might consider rehab, but I have no idea what it's likely to cost in Australia. Would your husband support you in this?


              Can the doctor help?

              I totally agrtee that getting away from your current situation would be the best thing to do, although I am really scared..
              I have all the support of my husband, he wants me to " get better " One issue I have is that we are quite reputable business people and the community where which we live is VERY small and quite frankly I don't want or need anyone with small minds to be judging me so the drug and alcohol services that is maybe provided by the local hospital would cause me more stress and anxiety than drinking itself?? Does anyone understand that? I know I should not give two hoots what anyone else thinks - but I do. I am a sensitive person and also very private.

              My husband is the same and he also is a private man and I certainly do not need to dissapoint him anymore by letting the whole world know he has a wife with a drinking addiction.

              I have a number for rural mental health - should I give this a try? Also my family on the other side of OZ know everything about me and are there for me too if needed - but hard when they are so far away.



                Can the doctor help?

                I totally understand,
                I am a private person too.. though when unwell, everyone has known about me.. I am still embarrassed about the way I have been in the past, so I totally understand your concerns.. Rural mental health sounds like a good idea..i hardly ever actually discuss drinking with my d+a counsellor as my drinking issues stem from my low self-esteem.. often once the underlying issues to drinking are resolved, the drinking will resolve itself..
                We are here too, and this is an anonymous site, so this site is a great tool to help you also.. I have cut down heaps since finding this place..
                Good luck,
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


