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Just checking in

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    Just checking in

    Just to say hello and long time, no talk.

    I've had so much upheaval, but I've made a big and positive decision. I am moving back to my former city that I loved. I really miss it. To this end, I've been looking at rentals and houses. I am envisioning trains and dim sum for my pups (ok, I know I cannot give them too much, but the dim sum has rice). I am just not in the right element for me and have not been for YEARS.

    As some of you might know, my dad is in hospice. Well, I went through the anger and rage stage. I think I am now in the acceptance stage. I am not sure what comes next, except I am not crying on and off all day long, which is good. My moods are leveling out, which is good. I speak with my mom each day and it's a downer, but to be expected. I am not AF, but hope to be soon. That IS the plan. Being here helped (past tense). If I check in daily again, maybe I can get back on track.

    OK, thanks for reading.


    Just checking in

    Hi AD,

    Good to hear from you.

    Congrats on your decision. You've not been happy where you are so I hope the move back to the city is going to be the beginning of a bright new future.

    We're still thinking of you.

    Spam xx


      Just checking in

      Spam;837512 wrote: Hi AD,

      Good to hear from you.

      Congrats on your decision. You've not been happy where you are so I hope the move back to the city is going to be the beginning of a bright new future.

      We're still thinking of you.

      Spam xx
      Thanks, Spam.

      I found an adorable cottage today and emailed about it. Have not heard back yet. It has its own front and back yard plus wood burning stove.

      It's not far from the train and the dim sum either.

      It really makes a HUGE difference where a person lives and life really is short. I've been doing the walk thing every morning, which is at least something positive. Now I just have to get on track with the other behaviors, which I will.



        Just checking in

        Glad you are back - good luck on the cottage! Sounds awesome. Environment is everything, so I hope you find a great place to settle down. Walking is a great way to start, you can tackle one thing at a time.


          Just checking in

          Hi Another Day,

          I wondered where you had got to! Great idea about the move.. sounds very exciting.. I wish you best of luck, where you live can have a huge impact on how you feel about your life..
          I am again sorry to hear what you are going through with your Dad being so sick.. you are doing well coping with that, and your Mum.. it sounds like you are all going through a rough time.. as a nuse I understand that its not just about the person who is sick, but the family go through a lot of torment too.. its tough but keep strong.. you will get through this difficult time,
          I am not totally AF myself either but I have certainly cut down heaps.. coming on here does help.. we are always here,
          Take care,
          Katie xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Just checking in

            AD - Environment IS everything! I think your decision is the right one. Sometimes all of this bad stuff is thrown our way to force us to face these other issues .. . .otherwise, we just plod along trying to make something work that never will. Even though everything has gotten really tough for you, sometimes when the pain becomes too much, you start to make these types of decisions since it's easier to make these moves. I think it will begin to solve some issues for you. I do hope that you're beginning to cope a bit better with the hospice thing. At least looking for a new home gives you something positive to look forward to. Wow - must be great to be one of your pups! Dim sum! I think I'd like to move in! . . . . . ;-)


              Just checking in

              AD, great to see you back posting. I so understand how upsetting it is with your Dad. My Mum died last year after being ill for quite a long time and it was heartrending to watch her decline, not making excuses cos I always drank too much but the mad drinking was triggered by Mums health and also family nastiness so keep strong and don't be afraid to cry if you want to. I cried on and off like a baby for three years!!
              Yea FunnyGirl is right environment is important, good luck with the move - a cottage sounds lovely ( where you going that has trains and DimSums? )
              Lovely to see both you and Funnygirl back, we missed you both
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Just checking in

                Anotherday, I'am so glad to see you posting again! I am sorry to hear about your dad. I know how you feel. My mom had Hospice the last year of her life, she passed in 2003. It was really hard for me because she wasn't just my mom but my everything (my father left when I was 4 and was never there for the family), I would talk to her several times a day.
                Anyway, I miss her dearly but you do learn how to adjust to the change. Please feel free to PM me. Take care of yourself!

                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Just checking in

                  Hi AD-so glad to hear from you again!! What a brave and smart decision you have made for yourself!! I really admire that! I bet it will be easier to find a job that you like in the city you love too. I wish you all the very best and hope this will be the start of a brand new life for you.
                  How funny-your dream is to move to the city, mine is to move to the country!! May we both fulfill our dreams!!
                  Give those pups a hug from me and mine!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Just checking in

                    Hi everyone,

                    I haven't posted in the nest for awhile, so I thought I would drop in to say hi!
                    I have been fighting depression from :xxx: and going :nutso: but I am actually starting too see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's even rainy here today :H
                    Take care everbody and have a great day!

                    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                      Just checking in

                      Please stay in touch with us Another Day...what's wrong Running Wind...I am having a bit of a depression battle myself at the moment!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Just checking in

                        Running Wind, Missed you posting - sorry to hear you are down and depressed, it really does go hand in hand with alcohol doesn't it? I feel it is sort of the chicken and the egg thing. I feel now that I probably have suffered from anxiety and depression for years but have disguised it and buried it with booze. The last few sober months I am confronting it and from time to time am finding it heavy going - when I go to the Doc I will discuss it with him, I am thinking of you, its hard sometimes isn't it?!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Just checking in

                          Funny Girl;837533 wrote: AD - Environment IS everything! I think your decision is the right one. Sometimes all of this bad stuff is thrown our way to force us to face these other issues .. . .otherwise, we just plod along trying to make something work that never will. Even though everything has gotten really tough for you, sometimes when the pain becomes too much, you start to make these types of decisions since it's easier to make these moves. I think it will begin to solve some issues for you. I do hope that you're beginning to cope a bit better with the hospice thing. At least looking for a new home gives you something positive to look forward to. Wow - must be great to be one of your pups! Dim sum! I think I'd like to move in! . . . . . ;-)
                          Woof, woof! :l

                          You're welcome anytime. I am sure they'll share one of their little beds with you!

                          In all seriousness, what you say is true. I have decided I will NOT wait to see two parents in coffins before I return.

                          I left there is such haste when I did. I always loved it there and had always wanted to live there. *I* am a different person when there, if that makes sense. I smile! People smile back! Everyone should be able to live in a place that is like this for them, and I don't care if that means small town, big city, this country or that country. There is a place for each and every one of us. We just have to find it and be there.


                            Just checking in

                            Anotherday;837989 wrote: :l

                            Everyone should be able to live in a place that is like this for them, and I don't care if that means small town, big city, this country or that country. There is a place for each and every one of us. We just have to find it and be there.
                            You are so right! I was born in the UK, lived there for 34 years and never felt like I fitted in. As soon as the 'plane landed in Brisbane (when we emigrated), I felt like I had come "home".

                            The last time I went back to the UK to visit, I cried when the 'plane touched down. I was homesick for the place I had spent the least amount of time. I have never been homesick for the UK.


                              Just checking in


                              I agree too - we always have to find our "niche" in life, a place we feel we belong.. yes moving is expensive and a hassle; but in the long run you will save yourself from going mad in a place you hate, and you will save heaps of $$ by not buying AL from being depressed in a place you hate!
                              Like Spam, i'm from the UK but now live in Australia.. this place (the whole country) feels like home to me.. when I went back to the UK 4 years ago, I hated it and couldn't wait to get back here.. I also second you Spam - I have not once felt "homesick" for the UK - not once!!! but I have felt homesick for Australia.. I was dreaming of coming back every night when i was in the UK 4 years ago! :H
                              So good luck with your move! I have to move myself in 2 months.. but i wont be going far, just around the corner from here..
                              Take care
                              Katie xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


