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Advice needed

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    Advice needed

    I have tried to quit too many times.
    I lack conviction.
    If we are off work I can seem to not drink. While school is in session I find it impossible to get home without drinking.
    Hunger is a trigger.
    Coming home to an empty house is a trigger.
    Dealing with my dad is a trigger.
    I even eat now before leaving & I still manage to rationalize a pit stop.
    Any advice?

    Advice needed


    I have to throw out an AA homily about this because it fits you to a "tee."


    Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

    Those four things will trigger us to drink.

    Knowing that, realize that you must eat when you are hungry, you must learn how to understand that anger only hurts us, you must learn to find supportive friends to turn to, and you must learn to be easy on yourself and get rest (body and soul.)

    I hope this helps.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Advice needed

      Hi 1967,

      Depends how tough you need to be with yourself (lots of people here at different stages and I don't know how bad your particular problem is). I had to stop taking any money (cash or plastic) to work with me so I couldn't buy booze on the way home. Yes, it was HUGELY inconvenient but I needed to take drastic action. Of course, I could have just got home and then gone out to many places within five minutes' walk to buy alcohol but there was something about getting home without buying anything to drink that helped break the spell.
      It's good to be aware of the hunger trigger, and think of things to do in the evenings to keep you occupied.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Advice needed

        Hi 1967,

        For me it was learning the art of distraction!
        I changed up all my usual routines. I changed my shopping route so I no longer found myself with easy access to the wine store. I stayed away (and still do) from people that really annoy me. But the biggest help of all was to put a halt to my negative thinking! That was something that really held me back from achieving a lot of good things in my life. Learning all about Gratitude is very helpful. Take a look at this:
        The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

        Just keep trying, you will find your way!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Advice needed

          Cinders;837653 wrote: 1967,

          I have to throw out an AA homily about this because it fits you to a "tee."


          Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

          Those four things will trigger us to drink.

          Knowing that, realize that you must eat when you are hungry, you must learn how to understand that anger only hurts us, you must learn to find supportive friends to turn to, and you must learn to be easy on yourself and get rest (body and soul.)

          I hope this helps.

          Also Fail to Plan Plan to Fail comes to mind. I've had to change my approach to each day as well as life in general to get myself even these few weeks sober.

          It's only now I finally understand what people were saying about changing my lifestyle. I thought they simply meant don't drink. I realise it's a bit deeper than that.


            Advice needed

            1967, wonderful advice here already but have you ever taken medication for alcohol cravings? Wishing you the best of luck!

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              Advice needed

              runningwind;837782 wrote: 1967, wonderful advice here already but have you ever taken medication for alcohol cravings? Wishing you the best of luck!

              I agree. I never imagined I could experience a day in my life without craving alcohol! I'm on Topamax and it's the last thing I'm thinking of these days.

