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    This is my first time posting to any blog, I've been AF for 19 months, going great, should have quit drinking 19 years earlier! MWO is a great program.

    On Board

    Crikey Whichwaynow, AF 19 months!!! That rocks! Come and tell us a few tips, you are very welcome, wish I had 19 months under my belt:goodjob::welcome:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      On Board

      Thanks! The biggest tip I can give is WANT it. I purchased the program and set an appointment with my medical doctor for the prescription and met with him once a month for 3 months. I used Topomax for that 3 months and then he weaned me off and I have been on my own since. I told each family member what I was up too and that I needed their support. These were the greatest tips that I have. You will succeed, WANT it everday. I think the statement that my doctor said on day 1 to me helped me everyday. "You will succeed because you are here on your accord and you want it, no one is making you do this" I said this over and over.
      All the best to you.


        On Board

        I don't only want it, I have to do it, my life was going down the toilet. Your doctor sounds like a wise one, on a similar note, the first time I went to my doctor he asked me had I been caught drunk-driving and when I said no, he said that a lot of people present themselves to him after being caught as things will go better for them in court if they have been seen to deal with it, and he went on to say more or less what your doctor said to you.
        Is it all plain sailing now WWN, or do you still have cravings or low times, just curious how the relationship with/without alcohol changes over the months/years?
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          On Board

          Great advise Whichwaynow! Congrats on 19 months!
          September 23, 2011


            On Board

            whichwaynow, congratulations on your Af days, you earned every minute (this can be a rough journey) :goodjob: Good-luck on continued success!

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              On Board

              Mollyka, you asked if clear sailing? For the first year I thought about drinking every day. As we know, alchohol is our friend, and it was like a friend died. My thoughts were not that I wanted to drink, but that I was on my journey and it was always on my mind that "I don't drink anymore". But now, this many months later I really don't think about not drinking I just know that it is not an option as my choice was not to drink. When I've givien thought that I could just be a social drinker, my mind goes all the way back to the feeling of no control at stopping at one. I can't just drink one, doc tells me that's the addictive part of my brain that will not allow me to just have one.

              Which Way Now? what i am searching for is joy in my life. I can not find joy in anything I do, and I wonder if I had joy and fun in my life when I drank because of the alchohol? If so, then my life truely was sad. I go through my life in motion of work, home, socialization, sleep, and we start all over. I joined a bowling league and of course everyone drinks around me, so be it, but I get home and ask myself, did I have fun or do I just go through the motions of fun in public.

              So to answer your question of clear sailing, I would wonder if we ever have clear sailing? I am reading a book now that speaks of "Harness the Power of the Positive Pressure" We have to stop looking at the "Pressure" of drinking as an obstacle and start seeing that "Pressure" as a time to evolve and become stronger. Withe resistance we get stronger!

              You will conquer this battle, be patient and find supportive friends and family members that encourage you. -whichwaynow?


                On Board

                Hi whichwaynow,

                Welcome to MWO, this is a good place
                Congrats on your AF 19 months, that is just wonderful!

                You may have noticed there is a thread for Long Term Abstainers. Think about posting there, you could exchange tip & ideas with those folks too! I know that for me changing habits & routines has been a big part of my recovery. Learning to find joy in the everday mundane activities is not easy. I am trying to rev myself up into trying some completely new & different things. I'm nearly 13 months AF now & am learning to incorporate Gratitude in my daily life which helps.

                Wishing you the very best n your journey, hope to see you on the threads!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  On Board

                  thanks Lavande, being new to this posting, i appreciate your tip i will check out other thread. You are doing awesome and I love your approach of Grattitude, I will follow your lead.

