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Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

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    Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

    So I am going to type this out. They don't start selling wine here for another 45 minutes so this gives me 45 minutes to get this out and think things over.

    Things are feeling crazy today. I have a few things on my mind and it looks like there is no easy way of dealing with any of these three things.

    First - my dad. Now my mother is acting like he is not going to die anytime soon yet three different parties (all medical professionals) are of the opinion he has six month or less left to live. I was doing so well on all fronts until he went into hospice. I am so confused right now. It is going to be a long process with a lot of waiting for something to end things, yet no one seems to know what the something is and I am not in the loop for the most part.

    Second - a possible move. I was all excited at the prospect of returning to my former city of residence. This was until I spoke with my very smart and capable friend up there Friday night who told me he thinks he will be homeless in a month. How can I possibly compete for a job there given the higher unemployment rate there than here, the fact everyone up there is smart and well educated, my work history isn't great and I do not exactly have job prospects here. IOW, I am stuck here for the time being.

    Third (and now this is where things get really crazy) - waiting to see what the former abuser is going to do. I was involved on and off for four years with an emotional and verbal abuser. I had planned on moving in 2006 but did not because of him. I believed we had a future and I did not realize who he was at the time. Long story short, he sent me an email pretending to not know who I am via his work email, I drank and sort of lost it. I left him several voice mails and a few emails in response. I should have done nothing, but he is a bully and I am tired of being his victim after four years. Unless you've been involved with someone like this, it's hard to put into words just what this does to your psyche. At any rate, I now wait to see what he'll do next as surely he will do something. He has already threatened me and I imagine there will be more (but not with physical violence). He must be in control and he must win. That is just the nature of being an abuser. My job will be to ignore him, let him have the last word and, once again, feel victimized all over again and afraid to stand up for myself. I imagine this week I will be hearing from him.

    Ok, so I just had to get this out and try to organize some of this in my head. The truth is I am just very upset and know a drink will not make any of this better. Thanks for letting me type this out. I know it seems crazy but there is a lot in my head right now. Thanks for being here.

    Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

    Hi there Baby

    You CAN do this - Life is a bitch at times and I sometimes think it is the devil throwing all this at us to break down our willpower.

    I have sent you a pm as I know something about physical abuse.

    Keep strong and never give up hope.

    QQ xx
    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


      Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

      Quit Quitting;839110 wrote: Hi there Baby

      You CAN do this - Life is a bitch at times and I sometimes think it is the devil throwing all this at us to break down our willpower.

      I have sent you a pm as I know something about physical abuse.

      Keep strong and never give up hope.

      QQ xx
      Thanks Unless he loses his job, he won't come after me physically. He has created this situation himself - involving his work. I have no other way to reach him EXCEPT via his work. He is not a normal person. He doesn't have his own phone or email address and refuses to get them. It's not like I want to involve his work, as I DO NOT! In fact, I worked for his sister company and if he wanted to cause a problem for me, all he has to do is to go to their HR dept and there go my references.

      To complicate things, he is well connected with the police in this town and a highly respected member of the community - which just puts me in a one down position all the more. Yet I am sick of backing down to him. But because he works in mental health and does homeless outreach for a living, who would believe me? After all, I am the one with the "issues," which is part of why I stayed with him. I believed he was a mentally healthy person doing a very noble job. I know what I have to do. Just delete any emails without reading them, ignore any phone calls, etc. I have to, once again, go away quietly on his terms.


        Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

        You do what ever you need to protect yourself, you are the one that matters not him. I strongly believe in 'What goes around comes around'. My husbands es wife is a real evil piece - had affairs and then took him for everything and moved his kids an 8 hour round trip in the car for us to see them. She now has MS. Don't get me wrong as I would not wish ill health on anyone. You get out of this life what you put in, it catches you up in the end.

        I just hope you are around to see it all when it hits your ex.

        Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


          Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

          Another, what's wrong with going away on YOUR terms? You want nothing to do with him right? Then walk away. Last words mean nothing.

          You can't do anything about your dad's health, diagnosis or prognosis. Offer sober support and get on the right page with him regarding your lives together. I drank my way through my mother's terminal illness. Bad choice.

          I don't believe you can move away from your problems. In another thread lavande said "first learn to love yourself and everything else will fall into place". I'm not saying it's easy, but there sure is truth to it. Feel and exude positive energy and it will come back to you. Do it even if you have to fake it. It will become real.

          You can do all this without a drink. You really can!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

            Wonderful post... greeneyes, I agree with you completely.
            I drank during my mother's last days and all I have is regrets...

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

              greeneyes;839114 wrote: Another, what's wrong with going away on YOUR terms? You want nothing to do with him right? Then walk away. Last words mean nothing.

              You can't do anything about your dad's health, diagnosis or prognosis. Offer sober support and get on the right page with him regarding your lives together. I drank my way through my mother's terminal illness. Bad choice.

              I don't believe you can move away from your problems. In another thread lavande said "first learn to love yourself and everything else will fall into place". I'm not saying it's easy, but there sure is truth to it. Feel and exude positive energy and it will come back to you. Do it even if you have to fake it. It will become real.

              You can do all this without a drink. You really can!
              Perfect advice here! Well worth reading this again!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

                Thanks. I am going to do something to empower myself and go to the gun club and learn how to shoot and then I am going to buy a gun.

                Part of why this situation bothers me so is I have been assaulted physically twice and ruined on the job by a man. I am tired of it. I think we as women, especially, have a tough time. At least I do. Sure, the drinking has figured into things and just made things worse. In both of the other instances (and a third), alcohol was involved. It doesn't give anyone the right to assault someone just because alcohol is involved, but it sure makes it easier for the perpetrator to do so. When we drink, we let our guards down, lose our good judgment and make it easier for people to do things to us.

                I do have some good news to share today in spite of this other stuff. I had mentioned before that I intervened on behalf of a friend and her drinking which landed her in the hospital. Well, she called me last night to thank me for doing so. She goes into a halfway house today. I am glad things turned out this way. They just as easily could have really gone bad but they did not.

                At any rate, it does help to share this on MWO and type out what is in my hdead so it doesn't get too overwhelming.


                  Going slightly crazy here and want to make it through today without a drink

                  greeneyes;839114 wrote: Another, what's wrong with going away on YOUR terms? You want nothing to do with him right? Then walk away. Last words mean nothing.

                  You can't do anything about your dad's health, diagnosis or prognosis. Offer sober support and get on the right page with him regarding your lives together. I drank my way through my mother's terminal illness. Bad choice.

                  I don't believe you can move away from your problems. In another thread lavande said "first learn to love yourself and everything else will fall into place". I'm not saying it's easy, but there sure is truth to it. Feel and exude positive energy and it will come back to you. Do it even if you have to fake it. It will become real.

                  You can do all this without a drink. You really can!
                  My terms went away a long time ago in this situation. One thing I have learned through all of this, run away the first time there is sign of trouble. Don't second guess yourself (myself) or make excuses. Just run away and FAST! You're right, last words mean nothing. The truth is, I AM afraid of him and his temper. He had better not come over here. I am just done with it and will restrain myself going forward. No matter how curious I am, no matter how much I want to know what his next threat is going to be, I am not going to. I am just going to file this away and pretend it never happened.

                  I do agree in part that one cannot move away from ones problems. However, putting some geographical distance in the equation would sure help in terms of this guy.

                  I am so sorry you drank during your mom's illness, but I so understand how easy it is to do. I just need to get back on track.

                  I'm just having a bad day I guess. Thanks!

